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A new lethal syndrome of exomphalos, short limbs, and macrogonadism
  1. Laurence Faivrea,
  2. Anne-Lise Delezoidea,
  3. Françoise Narcyb,
  4. Féréchté Razavic,
  5. Raymonde Bouvierd,
  6. Valérie Cormier-Dairea,
  7. Marie-Louise Briarda,
  8. Stanislas Lyonneta,
  9. Michel Vekemansa,
  10. Arnold Munnicha,
  11. Martine Le Merrera
  1. aDépartement de Génétique, Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, 149 rue de Sèvres, 75015 Paris, France, bService de Foetopathologie, Hôpital Port-Royal, Paris, France, cService d’Anatomopathologie, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France, dService d’Anatomopathologie, Hôpital Edouard-Herriot, Lyon, France
  1. Dr Le Merrer.


We report a new lethal multiple congenital abnormality (MCA) syndrome of exomphalos, short limbs, nuchal web, macrogonadism, and facial dysmorphism in seven fetuses (six males and one female) belonging to three unrelated families. Xrays showed enlarged and irregular metaphyses with a heterogeneous pattern of mineralisation of the long bones. Pathological examination showed adrenal cytomegaly, hyperplasia of Leydig cells, ovarian stroma cells, and Langherans cells, and renal microcysts. We suggest that this condition is a new autosomal recessive MCA syndrome different from Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, especially as no infracytogenetic deletion or uniparental disomy of chromosome 11 was found.

  • MCA syndrome
  • exomphalos
  • short limbs
  • abnormal metaphyses

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