Table of contents
February 1999 - Volume 36 - 2
Review article
- Townes-Brocks syndrome (1 February, 1999)
Original articles
- Polymorphisms in PTEN in breast cancer families (1 February, 1999)
- A new lethal syndrome of exomphalos, short limbs, and macrogonadism (1 February, 1999)
- Microdeletion 22q11 and oesophageal atresia (1 February, 1999)
Short reports
- Homozygosity mapping to the USH2A locus in two isolated populations (1 February, 1999)
- A mutation in the RIEG1 gene associated with Peters’ anomaly (1 February, 1999)
- Dilemmas in counselling females with the fragile X syndrome (1 February, 1999)
Letters to the editor
- Fragile X syndrome: of POF and premutations (1 February, 1999)
- Homozygosity in Huntington’s disease (1 February, 1999)
- Severe complications and gastric carcinoma in Mulvihill-Smith syndrome (1 February, 1999)