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Extravillus dividing fetal cells at CVS: evidence of their erythroblastic origin.
  1. G Terzoli,
  2. R Cartolano,
  3. F Rossella,
  4. A Cantù-Rajnoldi,
  5. B Brambati,
  6. M Fraccaro,
  7. G Simoni
  1. Laboratorio di Citogenetica, Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy.


    Cytological and cytogenetic studies were performed on nucleated fetal cells present in chorionic villus transport medium. The erythroblastic origin of these cells was shown. Fetal erythroblasts in spontaneous mitosis were frequently observed; chromosome counts were obtained from them but poor quality often prevented banded analysis. Cytogenetic study of erythroblast metaphases can be useful as an additional diagnostic aid in cases of mosaicism with aneuploid cell lines.

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