Table 1

Total number of patients receiving functional MMR tumour testing, MLH1 promoter methylation testing and germline MMR gene testing in the endometrial cancer cohort

Number of testsTest results
NumberPer centNumberPer cent
Functional MMR tumour testing
Microsatellite instability590.7Abnormal2542.4
MLH1 promoter methylation testing
MLH1 promoter methylation1732.2Unmethylated (suggestive of LS)2313.3
Germline MMR gene testing
Germline MMR gene testing761Pathogenic/Likely pathogenic2330.3
Variant of uncertain significance45.3
Likely benign/Benign/No variant4964.5
  • All tests and results for the cohort are counted, including those undertaken outside of the sequential three-step diagnostic testing pathway. For total tests in the cohort, percentages are presented as the number of tests/total cohort patients (7928). For test results, percentages are presented as result/number of patients tested.

  • LS, Lynch syndrome; MMR, mismatch repair; MSI, microsatellite instability.