Table 1

Clinical features of the patients with IFIH1 variants

Case no. IFIH1 variants (NM_022168.4)OriginSexFS onset ageaFS onset ageSeizure courseEEGBrain CT/MRIASMDDSeizure free durationDiagnosis
1c.2906G>T/p.Gly969ValDe novoMInfantInfantFS twice; atypical absence seizures 1–2 times per weekDiffuse dischargesNormalLCMSpeech delay1 yearEFS+
2c.2966T>A/p.Val989GluDe novoMToddlerPreschoolerFS, 2–3 times/year; GTCS, onceGeneralised SWNormalVPA, CNZNormal4 yearsEFS+
3c.263G>A/p.Ser88AsnPaternalFInfantInfantFS, once (after vaccination), GTCS, 3 times during 1 monthNormalNormalVPANormal2.5 yearsGE
4c.1709T>G/p.Met570ArgPaternalMToddlerToddlerFS, once; spasm 1–2 times per dayInterictal: generalised SW/PSW; ictal: spasmsNormalVPANormal1 yearEFS+
5c.2069T>C/p.Leu690ProPaternalFPreschoolerTeenagerFS, once; GTCS twice during 13 yearsgeneralised SWNormalLTG, PERNormal2 yearsEFS+
  • aFS, afebrile seizures; ASM, antiseizure medication; CNZ, clonazepam; DD, developmental disorder; EFS+, epilepsy with febrile seizures plus; F, female; FS, febrile seizures; GE, generalised epilepsy; GTCS, generalised tonic-clonic seizure; LCM, lacosamide; LTG, lamotrigine; M, male; PER, perampanel; PSW, poly spike-and-slow waves; SW, spike-and-slow waves; VPA, valproate.