Table 3

Cohort 2: prenatal ultrasound findings in fetuses with normal chromosomal microarray and analysed for rasopathy using next generation sequencing panel

Prenatal findingsTotal (n (%))Mutation positive (n (%))Mutation negative (n (%))P-value
Increased NT/cystic hygroma in first trimester* 166/193 (86)23/25 (92)143/168 (85)0.282
Persistent NT 61/193 (32)16/25 (64)45/168 (27)0.000
Jugular lymph sacs 24/193 (12)12/25 (43)12/168 (7)0.000
Hydrops fetalis 26/193 (13)14/25 (56)12/168 (7)0.000
Pleural effusion 32/193 (17)11/25 (44)21/168 (13)0.000
Ascites 8/193 (4)3/25 (12)5/168 (3)0.069
Cardiac anomalies 34/193 (18)12/25 (48)22/168 (13)0.000
Renal anomalies 10/193 (5)4/25 (16)6/168 (4)0.027
Polyhydramnios 7/193 (4)4/25 (16)3/168 (2)0.006
Other anomalies 32/193 (17)9/25 (36)23/168 (14)0.009
  • *Excluding nuchal fold, which is measured at approximately 20 weeks of gestation.

  • NT, nuchal translucency.