Table 1

Baseline characteristics of adult patients with Fabry disease receiving agalsidase β (1 mg/kg every 2 weeks) as their initial source of ERT and included in the study

CharacteristicAll patients
Age <40 years at first treatment
Age ≥40 years at first treatment
p Value
(comparing age groups)
Men, n (%)641 (61)390 (74)251 (49)<0.01
Severe clinical event pre-ERT,* n (%)172 (17)35 (7)137 (26)<0.01
Renal factors
 eGFR,† n695349346
  Mean±SD (mL/min/1.73 m2)85±34100±3370±27<0.01
  <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, n (%)166 (24)51 (15)115 (33)<0.01
 Protein:creatine ratio, n461227234
  >0.5 g/g, n (%)213 (46)87 (38)126 (54)<0.01
Cardiac factors
 Echocardiography (pre-ERT), n667293374
 LVH (pre-ERT),†‡ n (%)406 (61)109 (37)297 (79)<0.01
 Arrhythmia (pre-ERT),§ n (%)247 (24)90 (17)157 (30)<0.01
 Systolic blood pressure,† n727365362
  Mean±SD (mm Hg)125±16123±15127±17<0.01
  ≥130 mm Hg, n (%)297 (41)127 (35)170 (47)<0.01
 Diastolic blood pressure,† n727365362
  Mean±SD (mm Hg)75±1173±1177±11<0.01
  ≥80 mm Hg, n (%)274 (38)109 (30)165 (46)<0.01
  • *Non-renal event (stroke or cardiac event).

  • †Baseline eGFR values and blood pressure values were measured −3/+3 months of first ERT, and wall thickness values were measured within 3 months of the first ERT.

  • ‡LVH criterion was wall thickness ≥12 mm. The frequency of occurrence of LVH was determined using available left posterior wall thickness values in the range 5–35 mm and/or a ‘yes’ response to the checkbox question ‘LVH present?’.

  • §Arrhythmia was based on the treating physician's judgement and indicated by a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.

  • eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ERT, enzyme replacement therapy; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy.