Table 1

Summary of key phenotypic features of patients tested for PLCB4 and GNAI3 mutations in the present report, and their respective genotypes

PublicationInitial diagnosisGenderQMEOther auricular dysplasiaPoAT or PrATMicro- and/or retrognathiaFacial asymmetryED, CVD or CHDOther phenotypesMutationInheritance
Case 1Shkalim, 2008Isolated QMEF+PLCB4, Glu358ValFamilial, AD
Case 2Stuffken, 2008DC (ACS)F++PLCB4, Asp360Asn?
Case 3Greig, 2012 (case 2)ACSM++PLCB4, Asp360ValSporadic, AD
Case 4Gerkes, 2008ACSM+PoAT+PLCB4, Arg621CysSporadic, AD
Case 5Present reportACSF+PoAT+PLCB4, Arg621LeuFamilial, AD
Case 6Present reportACSM++HypotoniaPLCB4, Arg621HisSporadic, AD
Case 7Present reportACSF+++GNAI3, Ser47ArgFamilial, AD
Case 8Present reportACSM+PoAT+Central apnoea, macropenisPLCB4, IHDSporadic, AR
Case 9Rieder, 2012 (case M003)ACSM+PoAT+Hamartomatous pedicles, CPPLCB4, Arg621CysFamilial, AD
Case 10Present reportACSM+++Bifid uvula, laryngeal cleftFamilial, AR?
Case 11Present reportIsolated QMEF+Familial, AD
Case 12Present reportIsolated QMEF+Familial, AD
Case 13McGowan, 2011 (case 1)GS then ACSF+PrAT+Microcephaly, CP, HLSporadic, AD
Case 14McGowan, 2011 (case 3)GS then ACSF+PrAT++HLSporadic, AD
Case 15McGowan, 2011 (case 4)TCS then ACSF+PrAT++HLFamilial, AD
Case 16McGowan, 2011 (case 5)ACSF+PrAT++Familial, AD
Case 17McGowan, 2011 (case 6)ACSM+PrAT++MacroglossiaFamilial, AD
Case 18Present reportOAVS/GSF+PrAT++ED, CVD, CHDSporadic, AD
Case 19Present reportOAVS/GSM+PrAT++EDHL?
Case 20Present reportOAVS/GSF+PrAT++CVD, CHDEyelid coloboma, FPSporadic, AD
Case 21Present reportOAVS/GSM+CHDCryptorchidism, FPSporadic, AD
Case 22Present reportOAVS/GSM+PrAT+ED, CVD, CHDRenal hypoplasiaSporadic, AD
Case 23Present reportOAVS/GSM+PrAT+CHDSporadic, AR?
Case 24Present report?M++CP, HLSporadic, AD
Case 25Present report?M+?
Case 26Present report?M+??????
Case 27Present report?M++Absent uvulaFamilial, AD
  • Note that phenotypic information is only provided for the proband of familial cases. ACS, auriculocondylar syndrome; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; CHD, congenital heart defect; CP, cleft palate; CVD, cervical vertebral defect; DC, dysgnathia complex; ED, epibulbar dermoid; FP, facial paralysis; GS, Goldenhar syndrome; HL, hearing loss; IHD, intragenic homozygous deletion; OAVS, oculoauriculovertebral spectrum; PoAT, postauricular tag; PrAT, preauricular tag(s); QME, question mark ears; TCS, Treacher Collins syndrome; ?, no information available.