Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study populations

Stage I: Boston (MGH)  Cohort
Patients with pulmonary injury(n = 839)Patients withextrapulmonary injury(n = 878)p-value
Male540 (64.4%)510 (58.1%)0.0086
APACHE III score49.70±18.648.55±19.60.2199 
Predisposing condition
 Trauma063 (7.2%)<0.001
 Multiple transfusion0185 (21.1%)<0.001
 Sepsis710 (84.6%)665 (75.74%)<0.001
 Bacteremia101 (12.0%)202 (23.0%)<0.001
 Pneumonia775 (92.4%)0<0.001
 Aspiration28 (3.3%)0<0.001
 Pulmonary contusion47 (5.6%)0<0.001
 Diabetes196 (23.4%)230(26.2%)0.1796
 Liver cirrhosis41 (4.9%)42 (4.8%)1.0000
 History of alcohol abuse114 (13.6%)85 (9.7%)0.0127
Developed ARDS290 (34.6 %)127 (14.5%)<0.001
Stage II
Population I (Harborview Trauma Cohort)
ALI (n=597)No ALI (n=168)p-value
Age44.6±20.134.1±19.0< 0.001
Male439 (73.5%)130 (77.4%)0.40
Blunt trauma538 (90.1%)145 (86.3%)0.009
ISS26.8±10.322.5±9.6< 0.001
APACHE II score24.8±7.516.6±7.7< 0.001
Population II (MGH/ARDS net, pneumonia/pulmonary sepsis Cohort)
ARDS (n = 392)No ARDS (n = 446)p-value
Age52.32±16.1464.21± 16.84<0.001
Male199 (50.8%)161 (36.0%)<0.001
Predisposing condition
 Sepsis212 (54.1%)396 (88.85)0.068
 Pneumonia392 (100%)446 (100%)0.965
Stage III: Penn Trauma Cohort
ALI (n=74)No ALI (n=150)p-value
Age41.4±20.543.9 ±20.00.27
Male52 (69.3%)106 (70.2%)0.89
Blunt71 (94.7%)141 (93.4%)0.71
Modified APACHE III/63.9±25.159.6±19.80.40
Total pRBC 1st 24 hr2.59±4.81.0±2.30.007