Table 5

Phenotypic features of individuals with microdeletions in 17p13.3

Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5Case 6aCase 6bCase 6cCase 7Case 8Case 1*Case 2*Case 3*Case 4*Case 5*Mignon-RavixILSMDS
Age (years)211329174.52.538503135.510.58173.5
Gestational age (weeks)35Full term36+4424238+639+136Premature39NININININI39
BW (g)2490 (−0.5 SD)3390 (M)2270 (−2 SD)3120 (−1.5 SD)2875 (−2 SD)2825 (−1 SD)3000 (M)2000 (−1.5 SD)IUGR2350 (−2 SD)3180 (−1.3 SD)2630 (−2.1 SD)2560 (−2.0 SD)2540 (−2.2 SD)NI3260 (25th centile)Low
BL (cm)44 (−1.5 SD)51 (M)46 (−1.5 SD)48 (−1 SD)NININININI44 (−3 SD)NI47.5 (−1.8 SD)45.0 (−3.0 SD)45.7 (−2.8 SD)NI46.5 (−1 SD)
BHC (cm)33 (M)34 (M)NNI36 (+1 SD)NINININI34 (M)NININININI38 (+2–3 SD)
Postnatal growth retardation+++++++++++++++++– (–1.3 SD)++ (–4.4 SD)++ (–3.3 SD)++ (–4.1 SD)++ (–3.5 SD)NI height macrocephaly (+3 SD)Microcephaly++ Microcephaly
Feeding difficultiesNeonatalNeonatal++NINININININIFailure to thrive
Muscle hypotonia++MildMildNI++
Developmental disorderMild MRModerate MRDDMild MR, speech delayMild learning difficulties, problems with concentration, poor coordinationDDDDSpeech delayMild MRModerate MRMild – moderate MRMild DDMild DDMild DDMild DDMotor delay, NI on cognition+++
Behavioural problemsEcholaliaNINININININI
Recurrent infections+++NINININININI
Facial features:
FaceNNBroadMidface retrusionRoundNNNNTriangularNMid-facial hypoplasia
ForeheadBitemporal narrowing, high anterior hairlineFrontal bossingNBroad, high anterior hairlineNNNNNBroad, frontal bossingProminentProminentNIProminentProminentHigh, bitemporal narrowingBitemporal narrowingHigh, bitemporal narrowing
EyesShort and down-slanting palpebral fissures, ptosis, Laterally extended eyebrowsInfraorbital folds, laterally extended eyebrowsDown-slanting palpebral fissures, laterally extended eyebrowsNarrow palpebral fissures, laterally extended eyebrowsNInfraorbital foldNInfraorbital foldNLarge eyes, eyelid colobomaEpicanthus, down-slanting palpebral fissuresNDown-slanting palpebral fissuresEpicanthus inversusNEpicanthus, hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissuresNHypertelorism, upward slanted palpebral fissures
NoseBroad nasal tipBroad nasal tip anteverted naresBroad nasal tip and baseLow insertion of columellaBroadBroad nasal tipBroad nasal tipBroad nasal tipNBroad baseNBroad nasal rootBroad nasal rootBroad nasal rootBroad nasal rootAnteverted naresBroad baseShort with anteverted nares, broad base
EarsSmall with overfolded helixNLow set, cuppedDarwinian tuberclesNAddition al crus of antihelixNNLow setNLow set, large auriclesNLow setNNLow set, posteriorly rotated thick and irregular helixNLow set, posteriorly rotated
MaxillaMaxillary ProminenceMaxillary ProminenceNMaxillary ProminenceNNMaxillary ProminenceNNMaxillary ProminenceNININININIMarked cupid bowNProminent upper lip
MandibleMicro-retrognathiaRetrognathiaMicrognathiaNNNNNNMicrognathiaRetrognathiaNMild retrognathiaRetrusionNNISmall jawMicrognathia
MouthThick upper lip vermillion, Thick and everted lower lip vermillionProminent upper lip with thin vermillionThick and everted upper lip vermillionWide mouth with thick and everted lower lip vermillionWide mouthThick upper lip vermillion, thick and everted lower lip vermillionProminent upper lip with thin vermillionNiNININININ
Hand–foot abnormality5th finger clinodactyly, broad distal phalanges, narrow fingernailsMild shortening of 2nd and 5th fingers, medially deviated great toes5th finger clinodactyly5th finger clinodactylyBrachydactyly, 5th finger clinodactyly5th finger clinodactyly, long slender fingersArthrogryposis of upper limbsNI5th finger clinodactyly, short 2nd phalangesNININPolydactyly, 5th finger clinodactyly, camptodactyly
MalformationCryptorchidism, hypospadiaSubmucous CP, PDAIris colobomaSubmucous CP, PDA, embryotoxonAnteriorly placed anus, VUR, hydronephrosisPFO, PDA, coloboma of irisBifid tongue, pectus excavatum, cryptorchidismSubmucosal cleft palate, PDACP, occasional malformation of heart and kidney
MRINo LIS. Wide perivascular spaces, white matter abnormalities, low cerebellar tonsilsNo LIS. White matter abnormalities, low cerebellar tonsilsNPNo LIS. Wide perivascular spaces, white matter hyperintensitiesNPNSignal abnormalities in white matterNPNPNo LIS. Wide perivascular spaces, white matter abnormalities, Hypoplastic adenohypophysis and olfactory tracts.Thinning of corpus callosum and frontal cortexChiari I malformation, signal abnormalities in subcortical white matterNChiari I malformation, wide perivascular spacesWide perivascular spaces, signal abnormalities in subcortical white matterHypoplasia of corpus callosum with posterior agenesis, nodular periventricular and subcortical heteroplasias, cortical abnormalitiesLISLIS,ACC
  • Bold type indicates common features among individuals with novel 17p13.3 microdeletions.

  • * Sreenath Nagamani et al.15

  • –, not present; +, ++, present; ACC, agenesis of the corpus callosum; BHC, birth head circumference; BL, birth length; BW, birth weight; CP, cleft palate; DD, developmental delay; ILS, isolated lissencephaly sequence; LIS, lissencephaly; M, mean; MDS, Miller–Dieker syndrome; MR, mental retardation; N, normal; NI, no information; NP, not performed; PDA, persistent ductus arteriosus; PFO, persistent foramen ovale; VUR, vesico–urethral reflux.