Table 1

Genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of patients with an interstitial 16p13.3 duplication

Telom bcr (kb)1863–18802680–26822812–28132937–30832978–32922998–30323506–35133513–35423597–36043629–36483651–36563667–3688
Centrom bcr (kb)4665–46933874–39274765–53655706–58474851–50744328–43676165–61774736–47583942–39533993–41094281–42904574–4599
InheritanceDe novoDe novoMaternalDe novoDe novoDe novoDe novoPaternalDe novoDe novoDe novoDe novo
Biometry Wp50p50p50p5p10p50p50p10–25p3p25p10
At birth Lp50<p5p75p25p5-10<p3p25–50p10p90
Age last consult4½ months13 y 6 months3 y11 y16 y8 y18 y3 y8 y15 y2 y 9 months10 y
GrowthNormal H p10; W p25; OFC p10Normal H p90; W p75–90; OFC p90Normal Wp25–50; H p10; OFC p3Normal W p3, H p50, OFC p 10NormalNormalNormal W p25–50; H p75–97; OFC p25–50Normal W p25; H p90Normal W p10; H p10–25Normal W, L and OFC at p75Normal W and H p25–p50; OFC p50–p75Precocious puberty (W >p97, H >p97, OFC p40)
Delay in developmentMod (WISC-III IQ 46); pronounced speech delayMild (LIPS-R: brief IQ 68—fluid reasoning 73)Mod (WISC-R IQ 51—perf: 52; verb: 54)Mod (WISC-R IQ 45 perf 63; verb 39) severe verbal dyspraxiaMod (WISC IQ 50)Mild-mod (IQ 56); speech articulation problemsMild (PLS-4: expressive language 74; total 77)Low normal intelligence; speech articulation defectModMildLow normal intelligence
BehaviourNo behavioural problemsNo behavioural problemsBehavioural problemsNo behavioural problemsAuSD; ADHDAuSD; ADHD; aggressiveNo behavioural problemsNo behavioural problemsNo behavioural problemsNo behavioural problems
HandsShort, proximally implanted, adducted thumbsShort fifth fingersHypoplastic thumbs and thenar eminences; long fingersShort, proximally implanted thumbs; camptodactyly II-VTapering fingers; short fifth fingerCamptodactyly 2–5Short fingersTapering long fingersProximally implanted thumbs; long fingers; hyperconvex nailsMild cutaneous syndactyly, camptodactyly (fingers 2–4)Small, proximally implanted and adducted thumbsLarge, proximally implanted thumbs; mild syndactyly 2–3, camptodactyly (2, 3 and 4)
FeetVertical talus; dorsiflexion; proximally placed toes IPes cavus; camptodactyly; 4–5 clinodactylyMedially deviating, broad toes; abnormal nail bedsCamptodactyly; sandal gapBilateral equinovalgus; short toes; camptodactyly; sandal gapCamptodactyly 2–4Sandal gap; camptodactyly; sandal gapMild 2–3 syndactyly; club foot rightDysplastic toe nails; camptodactyly; hallux valgusShort hallucesLarge halluces; sandal gap
Musculoskeletal findingsC5–C6 vertebral fusion; mild pectus excavatumPlagiocephaly; leg length discrepancy; normal joint mobilityMild pectus excavatum; flat, asymmetric thoraxScoliosisHip dislocation; spinal lipomaSevere congenital left hip luxationIncomplete extension elbows
EyesBlepharophimosis; bilateral ptosis; epicanthus inversusBilateral ptosis, esotropiaPtosis left eye, eye motility disturbanceDeep setNormalStrabismusNormal
HeartASD-I; VSD; leaky AV valvesNormalToFNormalASDNormal (VSD spontaneously closed)NormalNormalASD type IINormal
DysmorphismBitemporal narrowing; short upslanting palpebral fissures; left preauricular tag; lacrimal duct obstructionLow set, mildly dysplastic ears; overturned helices of the ears; upslanting palpebral fissures; bulbous noseSacral dimple; bifid uvula; short neck with excess skin; micrognathia; thin upper lip; double hair whorlWebbed neck; anteverted nares; thin upper lip; mildly protruding ears; epicanthus; long face; pointed chin; narrow palpebral fissures; smooth philtrumDeep set eyes; small, upslanting palpebral fissures; protruding, abnormal ears; broad nasal bridge; round nasal tip with prominent glabella, long philtrum, midfacial hypoplasia and prominent mandibleProtruding ears; bulbous nose; deep set eyes; tented upper lipSacral dimple; upslanting palpebral fissures; hypertelorism; synophrys; low set ears; webbed neck; small chinMidfacial hypoplasia; posteriorly rotated, protruding ears; upslanting palpebral fissures; short noseShort hypoplastic nose; low set and posteriorly rotated small ears; long flat philtrum; small teeth; facial hypotoniaMildly protruding ears, broad nose, hirsutism; synophrys; low frontal hair lineDolichocephaly; upslanting palpebral fissures; large low set ears; low nasal bridge; micrognathiaSmooth philtrum; large mouth; posteriorly rotated, protruding and malformed ears; short nose; upslanting, narrow palpebral fissures
OtherRight cryptorchidism; small corpus callosum; EEG normalCryptorchidismNormal MRI and EEGInguinal hernia; tracheobroncho-malacia; recurrent respiratory infections; submucous cleftInguinal hernia; pyloric stenosis; hypotonia; high palateCerebellar angioma; periventricular leucomalacia; thin hairPermanent droolingHypotonia; recurrent ear infectionsMild periventricular heterotopia; precocious puberty
  • Patients 2,6 57 and 105 were reported previously.

  • ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD, atrial septal defect; AuSD, autism spectrum disorder; AV, atrioventricular; bcr, breakpoint containing region; EEG, electroencephalogram; H, height; MRI< magnetic resonance imaging; mod, moderate; OFC, occipitofrontal circumference; p, percentile; VSD, ventricular septal defect; W, weight.