Table 4

Comparison of holoprosencephaly (HPE) type distribution among the three ‘classic’ HPE types for the patients with intragenic ZIC2 mutations, as well as two sources from the literature and a source obtained from our database: Lazaro et al (2004) described a cohort of both living patients and deceased fetuses with non-chromosomal, non-syndromic HPE, while Orioli et al (2007) describes a cohort of patients born with HPE.7 8 We also compare our cohort of patients with mutations in ZIC2 with a cohort of prospectively ascertained probands with non-chromosomal, non-syndromic HPE whose samples were sent to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) over approximately a 3 year period. Due to low prevalence, middle interhemispheric variant (MIHV) was not considered

Intragenic ZIC2 mutations n (%)Lazaro et al7 n (%)Orioli and Castilla8 n (%)NIH n (%)
Alobar28 (32)15 (22)33 (40)10 (13)
Semilobar48 (55)31 (45)36 (43)45 (6)
Lobar11 (13)23 (33)14 (17)20 (27)
Comparison vs ZIC2 cohortχ2(2)=9.88, p=0.0077χ2(2)=2.39, p=0.30χ2(2)=10.4, p=0.0055