Table 2

Comparison of the mucolipidosis (ML) II and ML III phenotypes

Intrauterine growthLow to normalNormal
Growth, statureStops before age 2 yearsSlow growth after age 4 years
Final stature*<80 cm>115 cm
Onset of signsBirth to early infancyEarly to mid-childhood
Craniofacial featuresFrom birth, pronounced gingival hypertrophy and coarse features, including round cheeks, shallow orbits, depressed nasal bridgeGradual coarsening of facial features beginning 5–8 years of age; mild gingival hypertrophy with normal tooth eruption
Hands, fingersShort, broad, early clawingNormal to long, late distal clawing
Unaided walkingRarely achievedAchieved with mild to no delay; independent ambulation variably declines as disease progresses
SpeechDelayed, limited expressive languageNormal
Cognitive functionMild to moderate deficit, rarely severeBorderline to normal
Hands radiographsShort tubular bones, progressing to severe diaphyseal wideningMinimally short tubular bones, diaphyseal narrowing partially preserved
Vertebral radiographsAP shortening, biconcave outline, irregular bordersAP elongation, mild platyspondyly, irregular borders
Activity of GlcNAc-1-phospho-transferase (leucocyte or fibroblasts)<1% of control value1–10% of control value
  • * Statural measurement difficult in later part of clinical course in either clinical entity because of joint restriction.

  • AP, anteroposterior.