Table 1 Clinical and molecular data of patients carrying the SDHB exon 1 deletion
FamilyOriginAge at onset/sexProband tumoursOther PGL/PCC in the family (onset)Other tumours in the family (onset)
1Spanish19/FRetroperitoneal PGL*Neuroblastoma* (5)
2Spanish17/FRetroperitoneal PGL*, renal oncocytoma
3French27†/MPCC*PCC (30)
Ref 11Portuguese30/MRetroperitoneal PGL
Ref 11Spanish14/FRetroperitoneal PGLRetroperitoneal PGL* (48), multiple retroperitoneal PGLs (21)
Ref 10Brazilian8/MRetroperitoneal PGLCarotid PGL (38), thoracic PGL (14)
  • F, female; M, male; PCC, phaeochromocytoma; PGL, paraganglioma.

  • *Metastatic disease; †deceased.