Table 1

 Patient characteristics, malignancies, and BRCA2 mutations

Pt IDPhenotypeSexCancer (age, years)Allele 1†Allele 2†Interpretation 1Interpretation 2Reference
ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; AML, acute myelogenous leukaemia; CNS, central nervous system; N/A, not available.
1A and 1B were second cousins once removed; K1S1 – K1S2, K2S1 – K2S2, 632/1 – 632/2, 800/1 – 800/2 and RB - CB were sib pairs.
*VATER association includes vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula with oesophageal atresia, and abnormal radii. VACTERL adds cardiac, renal and limb anomalies. VACTERL-H includes hydrocephalus. In cases without VATER there may have been incomplete reporting of the physical features.
†Alleles are shown as nucleotide changes. Where the change results in a missense or nonsense mutation, the resulting [amino acid] change is indicated below the nucleotide.
‡R2336H (7235G→A) is classified as a missense mutation. It alters the last “G” nucleotide in exon 13 of BRCA2. In addition to altering this codon, mutation of this G to A could alter splicing.
HSC62Abnormal thumbMNone (30)IVS19-1 G →AIVS19-1 G →AProbably deleteriousProbably deleterious 7
EUFA423Pigmented, abnormal thumbFBrain (3)7691/insAT [R2488fs]9900/insADeleteriousDeleterious
HSC230Pigmented, abnormal thumbMNone (2)3033/delAAAC10204A →T [K3326X]DeleteriousBenign
EUFA579Pigmented, abnormal thumbFAML7235G →A [R2336H]‡5837TC →AG [F1870X]UnknownDeleterious
AP37PShort, pigmented, café au lait, abnormal thumb, Sprengel, midface hypoplasiaMAML M2 (2)8415G →T [K2729N]8732C →A [S2835X]UnknownDeleterious 7, 16
1AShort, café-au-lait, pigmented, abnormal thumbs and radii, microcephaly, imperforate anus, epicanthal folds, micropenis, undescended testes, dislocated hips, hydronephrosis, abnormal hearing (VATER*)MBrain—medulloblastoma or astrocytoma (4.9)6174delT9435T →A [C3069X]DeleteriousDeleterious 17, 18
1BShort, abnormal thumbs, microcephaly, imperforate anus with rectovaginal fistula, slanted eyes, anomalous kidneys, small ear, hip dysplasia (VATER*)FBrain—astrocytoma (2)6174delT9435T →A [C3069X]DeleteriousDeleterious
2No exam reportedFBrain—medulloblastoma (4.5)6174delT886delGTDeleteriousDeleterious 17
3No exam reportedFBrain—medulloblastoma (2.5)5301insA7690T →C [I2490T]DeleteriousUnknown
4No exam reportedFBrain—medulloblastoma (3.5)4150G →T [E1308X]9424C →T [Q3066X]DeleteriousDeleterious
K1S1Café au lait, microcephaly, cardiacMBrain—medulloblastoma (2.3)886delGT8447T →A [L2740X]DeleteriousDeleterious 19
K1S2Café au lait, abnormal facies, epicanthusMWilms’ (1.3), Brain—medulloblastoma (4.3)886delGT8447T →A [L2740X]DeleteriousDeleterious
K2S1Short, microcephalyMWilms’ (0.5), AML (2)4876G →T [E1550X]7757T →C [L2510P]DeleteriousUnknown
K2S2Short, pigmented, bifid thumb, elfin facies, small palpebral fissuresFT-ALL (4.9)4876G →T [E1550X]7757T →C [L2510P]DeleteriousUnknown
129/1Short, café au lait, microcephaly, imperforate anusN/AAML (2.2)IVS7+2T →GIVS7+2T →GProbably deleteriousProbably deleterious 20, 21
357/1Short, thumb, imperforate anusN/AAML (1.9)8106G →C [W2626C]2041insAUnknownDeleterious
632/1Short, café au lait, dysplastic hips, pelvic kidneyFAML (3)IVS7+1G →A5910C →G [Y1894X]Probably deleteriousDeleterious
632/2Short, imperforate anus, hypoplastic thumbFAML (1.8)IVS7+1G →A5910C →G [Y1894X]Probably deleteriousDeleterious
800/1Short, café au lait, microcephaly, micropenisMAML (0.9)IVS7+2T →G5164del4Probably deleteriousDeleterious
800/2Short, café au lait, microcephalyMWilms’ (0.8)IVS7+2T →G5164del4Probably deleteriousDeleterious
900/1Short, café au laitMT-ALL (5.2)2816insA1342C →A [N372H]DeleteriousBenign
984/2Short, microcephaly, hypoplastic thumb, labial adhesions, patent foramen ovale, CNS venous anomalyFT-ALL (4.9), AML (6.3), Wilms’ (6.6)N/AN/AN/AN/A
RBShort, pigmented, café au lait, microcephaly, cryptorchidismMWilms’ (3.5), Brain—glioblastoma multiforme (9)886delTG5873C →A [S1882X]DeleteriousDeleterious 21
CBPigmented, café au laitMWilms’ (0.6), Brain—medulloblastoma (6), B-ALL (10)886DelTG5873C →A [S1882X]DeleteriousDeleterious
SB1690CBHypermobile thumb, microcephaly, imperforate anus, deaf, renal dysplasia, midfacial hypoplasia (VATER*)MAML (2.1)IVS7+2T →G3827delGTProbably deleteriousDeleterious 23
PT2Short, pigmented, café au lait, adducted thumbs, microcephaly, sacral hemivertebra, ventricular septal defect, pelvic kidney, oesophageal atresia, micrognathia, CNS gyrations, congenital cataract (VATER*)FWilms’ (1), neuroblastoma (1.1), Brain—posterior fossa (3)1548del41548del4DeleteriousDeleterious 24
NCI 1Short, café au lait, microcephaly, facial dysmorphia, abnormal thumbs, anterior anus, cloudy corneas, ectopic kidneys, delayed development, hydrocephaly (VATER*)FBrain—medulloblastoma (3.1)6174delT9424C →T [Q3066X]DeleteriousDeleteriousCurrent report