Table 4 Satisfaction with taking the gene test at the 1-month follow-up among those tested in the direct contact approach (DCA)
QuestionMutation-positive DCA, n (%)Mutation-negative DCA, n (%)Mann-Whitney U test* (p value)
Are you satisfied with your decision to take the test?
    1 Extremely satisfied21 (100)49 (98)
    2 Fairly satisfied01 (2)
    3 Uncertain00
    4 Rather dissatisfied00520.5
    5 Extremely dissatisfied00(0.91)
    Total21 (100)50 (100)
Do you trust the test result?
    1 Trust completely19 (91)45 (90)
    2 Trust hesitantly2 (10)3 (6)
    3 Uncertain02 (4)
    4 Rather distrustful00507.5
    5 Do not trust at all00(0.85)
    Total21 (100)50 (100)
Now that you know the result, would you have taken the test in the first place?
    1 Would definitely have taken the test19 (91)45 (92)
    2 Would probably have taken the test2 (9)4 (8)
    3 Uncertain00
    4 Would probably not have taken the test00514.5
    5 Would definitely not have taken the test00(0.52)
21 (100)49 (100)
  • *Mann–Whitney test for two independent samples.