Table 2 Attitudes towards the direct contact approach and occurrence of cancer in the family among the study participants who were directly contacted
QuestionBaseline n = 113, n (%)
Do you approve of active contact taken by the health care professionals, related to cancer in the family?
    Yes103 (92)
    Have no opinion8 (7)
    No1 (1)
    Total112 (100)
Do you know someone with a cancer in your family?
    Yes105 (97)
    No3 (3)
    Total108 (100)
Do you think that there might be more cancer in your family than on average?
    Yes83 (74)
    No29 (26)
    Total112 (100)
If you do think so, have you tried to seek information about it?
    Yes27 (33)
    No56 (67)
    Total83 (100)
Have you been worried about it?
    Yes42 (51)
    No41 (49)
    Total83 (100)
Subjective pre-test risk of getting colorectal cancer
    Low19 (17)
    Medium. higher than average70 (65)
    High20 (18)
    Total109 (100)
Self-reported history on CRC colonoscopy examination
    Yes24 (21)
    No88 (79)
    Total112 (100)