Table 1 Background variables of unaffected high-risk subjects consenting to a study informing about predictive genetic testing for hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer comparing the direct-contact and family-mediated approaches
DCAAllp Value*FMAAllp Value*p Value‡
ConsentedRefusedNo responseConsentedRefusedNo response
Gender (%)
Marital status (%)
    Living alone4195010082315100
Parenthood (%)
    No children4511441009136100
Mean (SD) age51.6 (12.5)62.0 (14.4)54.1 (13.8)53.6 (13.5)0.001†42.9 (14.0)48.6 (16.9)43.2 (13.0)43.0 (14.0)0.42†0.55§
  • DCA, direct-contact approach, FMA, family-mediated approach.

  • *p Value for χ2 test between groups.

  • †p Value for one-way analysis of variance between groups.

  • ‡Test for interaction term between study and consenting variable from logistic regression.

  • §Interaction term between study and consenting variable from two-way analysis of variance.