Table 1

 Severity classification of the phenotype

Prenatal growthPostnatal growth*Skull growthLimbsFaceAdaptive functioning
*CdLS standard growth curves were used.41
1 = >2500 g1 = >P751 = OFC>−2SD1  =  no reduction defect1  =  possible CdLS1  =  normal/borderline
2 = 1500–2500 g2 = P25−P752 = −2SD>OFC>−4SD2  =  partial reduction defects (absence of 1 or 2 fingers)2  =  mild type2  =  mild/moderately impaired
3 = <1500 g3 = <P253 = OFC<−4SD3  =  severe reduction defects (absence of 3 of more fingers or complicated oligo/polydactyly)3  =  classic type3  =  severely/profoundly impaired