Table 2

 Genetic changes published for Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy to date

Location and domainNucleotide changePredicted consequenceCommentPhenotypeReference
All published data adjusted by authors to reference sequences NM_001848 for COL6A1, NM_001849 for COL6A2 & NM_004369 for COL6A3; *plus unpublished data.
UCMD, Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy.
COL6A1intron8THc.804+857_903+6del99p.Gly269_Lys301delDeletion exon9-10; heterozygous change in one individual (de novo)UCMD79
COL6A1exon9THc.841 G→Ap.Gly281ArgHeterozygous change in 1/77 individuals who is also compound heterozygous for Arg498His in COL6A2UCMD114
COL6A1exon9THc.850 G→Ap.Gly284ArgHeterozygous change in 2/77 individualsUCMD114
COL6A1exon10THc.868 G→Ap.Gly290ArgHeterozygous change in 2/77 individuals, one of them compound heterozygous for Arg784His in COL6A2Mild UCMD114
COL6A1intron12THc.957+1 G→Ap.Gly311_Lys319delExon12 skipping; heterozygous change in one individual (de novo)UCMD126
COL6A1intron27THc.1776+1 G→Ap.Gly581_Asp592delExon27 skipping; homozygous change in 1/76 individuals (parents heterozygous)UCMD114*
COL6A2exon3N1c.688_689 dupACp.Ile231ProfsX8Heterozygous change in 1/77 individuals who is also compound heterozygous for complex insertion/deletion causing exon 27 skipping in COL6A2UCMD114*
COL6A2intron5THc.801+631_882del81p.Gly268_Ile294delDeletion exon6 and partial deletion of exon7; heterozygous change in one individual (mother mosaic carrier of genomic deletion)UCMD126
COL6A2exon6THc.847 G→Ap.Gly283ArgHeterozygous change in 1/78 individualsUCMD114
COL6A2intron9THc.955-2 A→Gp.Gly319_Lys333delExon10 skipping; heterozygous change in 1/78 individualsUCMD114
COL6A2exon13THc.1147_1151 insCp.Glu386ArgfsX64Homozygous change in one individual (parents heterozygous)UCMD124
COL6A2intron14THc.1270-1 G→Cp.Gly424AlafsX138 and p.Gly424ProfsX108Heterozygous change in one individual who is also compound heterozygous for splice change causing deletion of exon24 in COL6A2 with consequent frameshift and premature termination codonUCMD125
COL6A2intron17THc.1459-2 A→Gp.Gly487_Ala495delAspfsX48Missplicing with partial loss of exon18; heterozygous change in 3 individuals; 2/3 are siblings and compound heterozygous for splice change causing deletion of exon24 in COL6A2 with consequent frameshift and premature termination codon (mother carrier); de novo in 1/3 individualsUCMD124
COL6A2exon18THc.1487_1512del26p.Arg498_Pro506delGlnfsX58Homozygous change in one individualUCMD123
COL6A2exon18THc.1493 G→Ap.Arg498HisHeterozygous change in 1/78 individuals who is also compound heterozygous for Gly281Arg in triple helix of COL6A1, no confirmatory dataUCMD114
COL6A2exon20THc.1590 G→Cp.Gly531ArgHomozygous change in 1/78 individualsUCMD114
COL6A2intron23THc.1770+5 G→Ap.Gly579_Thr590delExon23 skipping; heterozygous change in one individual who is also compound heterozygous for genomic 6bp deletion inCOL6A2 exon26 causing Ile759_Gly760del (mother carrier)Mild UCMD127
COL6A2intron23TH/C1c.1771-3 C→Gp.Glu591_Cys605delThrfsX148Deletion exon24 causing frameshift; heterozygous change in one individual who is also compound heterozygous for splice change causing partial insertion of intron14 and consequent frameshift with premature termination codon in COL6A2UCMD125
COL6A2intron23TH/C1c.1771-1 G→Ap.Glu591_Cys605delThrfsX148Deletion exon24 causing frameshift; heterozygous change in two individuals (siblings) who are also compound heterozygous for splice change causing partial loss of exon18 in COL6A2 with consequent frameshift and premature termination codon (father carrier)UCMD124
COL6A2exon26C1c.2274_2279del6p.Ile759_Gly760delGenomic 6bp deletion; heterozygous change in one individual who is also compound heterozygous for splice change causing exon23 skipping in COL6A2 (father carrier)Mild UCMD127
COL6A2exon26C1c.2319 C→Gp.Tyr773XHeterozygous change in 1/78 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for splice change predicted to cause exon27 skipping in COL6A2UCMD114
COL6A2exon26C1c.2329 T→Cp.Cys777ArgHomozygous change in 1/78 individuals, no confirmatory dataUCMD114
COL6A2exon26C1c.2351 G→Ap.Arg784HisHeterozygous change in 1/78 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for Gly290Arg in triple helix of COL6A1Mild UCMD114
COL6A2intron26C1/C2c.2423-2 A→Gp.Asp808_Thr820delExon27 skipping; heterozygous change in 1/78 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for Tyr773X in COL6A2UCMD114
COL6A2exon27C1/C2c.2455_2461+37 del46ins33p.Asp808_Thr820delExon27 skipping; heterozygous change in 1/78 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for frameshifting duplication in exon3 of COL6A2 causing premature termination codon (father carrier)UCMD114*
COL6A2exon28C2c.2510 T→Cp.Leu837ProHeterozygous change in one individual also compound heterozygous for Asn897del (mother carrier)UCMD126
COL6A2exon28C2c.2626 C→Ap.Arg876SerHomozygous change in 1/75 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for Arg1395Gln and Asp1674Asn in COL6A3, no confirmatory dataUCMD114
COL6A2exon28C2c.2689_2691del3p.Asn897delHeterozygous change in one individual also compound heterozygous for Leu837Pro (father carrier)UCMD126
COL6A3exon5N8c.1393 C→Tp.Arg465XHomozygous change in one individual, N8 subject to alternative splicing (parents heterozygous)Mild UCMD122
COL6A3exon8N5c.3191 G→Ap.Arg1064GlnHeterozygous change in 1/79 individuals, no confirmatory dataUCMD114
COL6A3exon9N4c.4184 G→Ap.Arg1395GlnHeterozygous change in 1/79 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for Asp1674Asn in COL6A3 and homozygous for Arg876Ser in COL6A2, no confirmatory dataUCMD114
COL6A3exon11N2c.5020 G→Ap.Asp1674AsnHeterozygous change in 1/79 individuals, who is also compound heterozygous for Arg1395Gln in COL6A3 and homozygous for Arg876Ser in COL6A2, no confirmatory dataUCMD114
COL6A3exon16THc.6157-9_6177del30p.Gly2053_Pro2070delExon16 skipping; heterozygous change in 1/78 individualsUCMD114
COL6A3intron16THc.6210+1 G→Ap.Gly2053_Pro2070delExon16 skipping; heterozygous change in 3/78 individualsUCMD114
COL6A3intron16THc.6210+1 G→Ap.Gly2053_Pro2070delExon16 skipping; heterozygous change in one individual (de novo)UCMD126
COL6A3exon27THc.6816 G→Ap.Gly2252_Lys2272delExon27 skipping; homozygous change in 1/79 individuals (parents heterozygous)UCMD114*
COL6A3intron29THc.6930+5 A→Gp.Gly2294_Lys2310delExon29 skipping; homozygous change in three individuals (siblings, parents heterozygous)UCMD122
COL6A3exon31THc.7024 C→Tp.Arg2342XHomozygous change in one individual (parents heterozygous)UCMD122