Table 1

 Results of family based tests of the association of psoriasis with RAPTOR and RUNX1 SNPs and three-locus haplotypes

LocusAssociated allele*TDTPDTFBAT
BaseFreqNo.fam†No. inf fam‡T:NT§p value¶No.fam†No. inf fam‡**p value¶No.fam†No. inf fam‡Z††p value¶
Non-trio pedigrees: those families larger than a trio with at least two affected members.
*The alleles and haplotypes tested are those reported to be associated with psoriasis (Helms et al10 for RUNX1; Anne Bowcock, personal communication for RAPTOR). Allele frequency is based on all founders in the pedigrees.
†The number of families shown for each association test counts only those families with at least one typed and phenotypically informative unit. For the TDT this unit is a trio (an affected child and both parents), for the PDT it is a trio or a discordant sibpair (an affected and unaffected sib), and for the FBAT with the settings used here it is a trio, discordant sibpair, or a sibship with three or more affected sibs.
‡The number of informative families is the subset of the typed and phenotypically informative families that are genotypically informative for the allele being tested.
§T:NT is the ratio of transmissions to non-transmissions of the test allele from heterozygous parents to affected children in the TDT.
¶All p values are uncorrected for multiple testing.
** is a standardised measure of disequilibrium for the PDT (see Methods).
††Large sample test statistic for association, distributed as a standard normal.
A: All pedigrees
B: Non-trio pedigrees