Table 1

 Small non-fibrillin proteins that are integral parts of fibrillin-rich microfibrils in at least some tissues and developmental stages

ProteinChromosomePotential functions
MAGP-11p36.1–p35Tropoelastin deposition78
Tropoelastin binding76,89
Binding to fibrillin-176,90
Binding to fibrillin-291
Ternary complex with
tropoelastin and biglycan77
Posttranslational modifications92
Ternary complex with
tropoelastin and decorin93
Binding to type VI collagen79
Substrate for transglutaminase63
MAGP-212p12.3–p13.1Binding to fibrillin-174,90
Binding to fibrillin-274
RGD-mediated cell attachment94
Interaction with Jagged180
AAAP-405q32–q33.240 kDa protein95,96
MFAP1 (AMP)15q15–q2154 kDa protein that is processed
to a 36 kDa protein97,98
MFAP35q32–q33.141 kDa serine-rich protein99
MFAP417p11.2Colocalisation to elastic fibres100
(MAGP-36)Role in elastogenesis101