Table 1

 Summary of published case-control AD association studies for the 3′ UTR SNP in LBP-1c/CP/LSF

StudyAD casesNormal controlsResults
Subjects, n(% women)Onset age,mean (SD)Subjects, n(% women)Age,mean (SD)A allele frequency(AD v CTRL)OR (95% CI)
Studies are shown in chronological order, with the most recent study listed first. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) as reported by authors; some ORs are adjusted for co-variables (like age, gender, and APOE ε4 status) and might thus vary slightly from the crude ORs presented in fig 1, which were used to calculate summary ORs.
Panza et al15
    Italy166 (63%)69.4 (10.3)225 (68%)71.3 (10.4)0.06 v 0.022.97 (1.33 to 6.66)
Luedecking-Zimmer et al14
    USA564 (68%)77.3 (6.4)523 (66%)76.8 (6.3)0.05 v 0.070.65 (0.43 to 0.96)
Taylor et al13
    UK239 (64%)*81.2 (7.8)342 (59%)*82.1 (3.8)0.05 v 0.080.59 (0.35 to 1.00)
Lambert et al12
    All combined1139 (64.6%)70.5 (6.6)1317 (62.5%)73.4 (9.2)0.04 v 0.070.58 (0.44 to 0.75)
    UK159 (67%)65.7 (11.1)205 (51%)60.8 (11.3)0.04 v 0.090.46 (0.23 to 0.93)
    USA296 (67%)75.7 (0.2)462 (67%)79.2 (9.3)0.06 v 0.070.87 (0.56 to 1.38)
    France684 (63%)69.4 (8.4)650 (63%)73.2 (8.6)0.04 v 0.070.48 (0.33 to 0.70)