Table 1

 Characteristics of study population

No.% of total (n =  490)
Age at diagnosis (years)
Menopausal status
    White (non-Jewish)32967.1
    Ashkenazi Jewish9018.4
    African American306.1
Year of diagnosis
Type of surgery
Histopathological diagnosis
    Infiltrating ductal carcinoma41584.7
    Infiltrating lobular carcinoma489.8
    Mixed carcinoma275.5
Personal history of cancer
    Bilateral invasive breast cancer163.3
    Ovarian cancer00
    Other cancer377.6
Family history of cancer (n = 485)
    Breast cancer19941.0
        First degree relative9619.8
        Second degree relative8016.5
        Third degree relative234.7
    Male breast cancer51.0
    Ovarian cancer193.9
    Breast and ovarian cancer71.4