Table 3

 The probability that consecutive SNPs would be homozygous and concordant by chance in families with two to four individuals in different siblings

No. SNPsFor two individualsFor two siblings and another individualFor three individualsFor four individuals
Probability homozygous¶Ratio†Probability homozygous**Ratio†Probability homozygous††Ratio†Probability homozygous‡‡Ratio†
*The probability that a run of n SNPs are homozygous is 0.7 (the chance a SNP has either an AA or BB allele call), then multiplied by n.
†The ratio is the probability presented as 1 to y, where y is the probability that n SNPs are consecutively homozygous multiplied by 10 913 − n (the total number of autosomal SNPs, minus the number of SNPs in a run).
‡The probability that a run of n SNPs are homozygous and concordant in a sib pair is 0.7 (the chance a SNP has either an AA or BB allele call) multiplied by 0.7 (rather than 0.35, to allow for reduced informativity) for each SNP, then multiplied by n.
§As note ‡ but 0.7*0.7*0.7 for each SNP, then multiplied by n.
¶As note § but 0.7*0.7*0.7*0.7 for each SNP, then multiplied by n.
¶The probability that a run of n SNPs are homozygous in two individuals is 0.7 (the chance a SNP has either an AA or BB allele call) multiplied by 0.35 (the chance another individual has the same homozygous allele call), then multiplied by n.
**As for note ¶ but 0.7*0.35*0.7, then multiplied by n.
††As for note ¶, but 0.7*0.35*0.35, then multiplied by n.
‡‡As for note ¶, but 0.7*0.35*0.35*0.35, then multiplied by n.
1 0.2450000.00040.171500000.00050.085750000.00110.030012500.0031
2 0.0600250.00150.029412250.00310.007353060.01250.000900770.10
3 0.0147060.0060.005044200.0180.000630530.1450.000027033.39
4 0.0036030.0250.000865080.110.000054071.6950.00000081113
5 0.0008830.100.000148360.620.0000046420 0.00000002 3764
6 0.0002160.420.000025443.600.00000040231
7 0.00005320.0000043621 0.00000003 2689
8 0.00001370.00000075122
9 0.0000032290.00000013714
10 0.00000078118 0.00000002 4163
11 0.00000019480
12 0.00000005 1961