Table 1

 PCR-RFLP analysis of putative pathogenic MTND1 gene mutations in the three patients

Sequence variantPrimersPrimer sequences (5′ to 3′)Restriction enzymeExpected fragment sizes (bp)
Details of the oligonucleotide primers, restriction endonucleases, and expected fragment sizes following enzyme digestion are given.
For patient 3, primers have additional M13 sequence (shown in lower case), while mismatch nucleotides are in bold.
Patient 1 (3697G→A)L3607–3627GGCCTCCTATTTATTCTAGCCBclIWildtype: 189 →137 +52
H3795–37776GGAGAGGTTAAAGGAGCCAC3697G→A: 189 →103 +52 +34
Patient 2 (3946G→A)L3875–3894TAGCAGAGACCAACCGAACCTaqIWildtype: 157 →87 +43 +27
H4031–4011AAGATTGTAGTGGTGAGGGTG3946G→A: 157 →130 +27
Patient 3 (3949T→C)L3928–3948tgtaaaacgacggccagtGTCTCAGGCTTCAACATCGTARsaIWildtype: 222 →188 +34
H4113–4094caggaaacagctatgaccCAGGGAGGTTAGAAGTACGG3949T→C: 222 →150 +38 +34