Table 1

TF C2 and HFE C282Y and H63D genotypes in AD, in MCI, and in controls

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; TF and HFE, the transferrin and haemochromatosis genes, respectively; MCI, mild cognitive impairment.
TF C2-negative57.6(110)71.0(49)66.5(179)
TF C2 heterozygotes34.0(65)24.6(17)25.7(69)
TF C2 homozygotes8.4(16)4.3(3)7.8(21)
HFE C282Y-negative84.3(161)75.4(52)88.1(237)
HFE C282Y heterozygotes15.7(30)23.2(16)11.5(31)
HFE C282Y homozygotes0(0)1.4(1)0.4(1)
HFE H63D-negative72.2(138)75.4(52)72.1(194)
HFE H63D heterozygotes26.2(50)24.6(17)24.9(67)
HFE H63D homozygotes1.6(3)0(0)3.0(8)
Total number(191)(69)(269)