Table 1

Cerebral diseases in which excess iron accumulation is found on MRI scan

Disease titleInheritance patternAge of presentationClinical features*IntellectRadiological features†Cerebellar features‡Gene§Chromosomal location
Disease title and OMIM number, as described in McKusick’s On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM).
PKAN/PANK2 and PKAN/not PANK2 is pantothenate kinaseassociated neuropathy with or without a pantothenate kinase 2 gene mutation.
*Clinical features, lists the presenting and major neurological features only.
†Radiological features lists the (consistent and major) abnormal findings reported on cerebral T2 MRI brain scans. Caudate, dentate, and red refer to the caudate nucleus, dentate nucleus, and red nucleus respectively. “Eye of the tiger” sign is of decreased signal intensity in T2 weighted images, compatible with iron deposits, and of a small area of hyper intensity in its internal segment (illustrated in reference 6).
‡Cerebellar features documents whether clinical findings have been reported followed by cerebellar MRI brain scan findings. Normal means that neither clinical cerebellar signs nor abnormal cerebellar scan findings are present.
§Gene abbreviations used, CP is ceruloplasmin, FTL is ferritin light chain, PANK2 is pantothenate kinase 2 and ? no identified gene.
Freidriech ataxia was not included in the table as there is no evidence on MRI brain scan of excess pathological iron deposition in the central nervous system.
 MIM 604290Recessive>30 yDementia, ataxia, chorea, dystoniaDeclinesCaudate dentate, putamen, red, thalamus, on T1 + T2Yes, normalCP3q23-4
 MIM 606159Dominant40–55 yChoreoathetosis, dystonia, spasticity, rigidityNormalCaudate, dentate, globus pallidus, putamen, substantia nigraNormalFTL19q13.3-4
 MIM 234200Recessive5–20 yRigidity, choreoathetosis, dystonia,Often declines“Eye of the tiger” and substantia nigraNormalPANK220p13
 Atypical and HARP 
 MIM 607236Recessive>15 yDiverse extrapyramidal symptomsOften declines“Eye of the tiger”NormalPANK220p13
PKAN/not PANK2Probably recessive>15 yDiverse extrapyramidal symptomsOften declinesDentate, globus pallidus, redOften, atrophy??
Karak syndromeRecessive or X linked6 yAtaxia, chorea, dystoniaDeclines“Eye of the tiger” and substantia nigraYes, atrophy??