Table 6

Significance of clinical covariates for patients with AA or with AG or GG genotype of ACE A2350G polymorphism by Cox proportional hazard model

Covariatep ValueHazard ratio (95% CI)
CI, confidence interval; ACEi, angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker.
Patients with the AA genotype of ACE A2350G
    Urinary protein excretion>1.0 g/day0.01472.620 (1.209 to 5.680)
    Hypertension0.00073.846 (1.766 to 8.377)
    No administration of ACEi or ARB<0.00017.473 (2.899 to 19.265)
Patients with the AG or GG genotype of ACE A2350G
    Urinary protein excretion >1.0 g/day0.00593.307 (1.412 to 7.743)
    Hypertension0.01202.381 (1.210 to 4.689)
    No administration of ACEi or ARB0.11191.767 (0.876 to 3.567)