Table 2

Summary of findings in eight reported cases of Greenberg/HEM skeletal dysplasia

PatientAge at diagnosis (weeks gestation)Hydrops calcificationsEctopic platyspondylyMicromelia malformationsOther congenital short ribsReference
+, reported to be present; , not reported to be present, absent.
1 30+++ 16
2 20+++ 16
3 17+++post-axial polydactyly in both hands 17
4 28+++omphalocele, intestinal prolapse and malrotation, hypolobulation in right lung 18
5 20+++ 26
6 23+++ 27
7 17+++post-axial polydactyly in both hands 15
8 14+++post-axial polydactyly in both hands, hepatomegaly 19
Total (14–30)8/88/88/83/8 post-axial polydactyly