Table 2

Clinical findings in JAG1 mutation positive relatives of AGS probands, and the probands themselves, compared with clinical findings in two large studies of AGS probands with a clinical diagnosis of AGS

Clinical findingsCurrent study: relatives (53)Current study: probands (34)Current study: relatives and probands (87)Emerick et al, 1999 (92)Lykavieris et al, 2001 (163)
PS (pulmonary stenosis)/PPS (peripheral pulmonary stenosis–stenosis at any level in the pulmonary tree
Structural defect: intracardiac structural defects, such as tetralogy of Fallot and valvar pulmonary stenosis, excludes lone peripheral pulmonary stenosis
Eye findings: typically posterior embryotoxon
*Unpublished data from Lykavieris, taken from Crosnier et al (2000).
Liver disease, 42 relatives evaluated
    Cholestatic liver disease31% (13/42)97% (33/34)61% (46/76)96%100%
    Biochemical liver abnormalities only24%(10/42)3% (1/34)14% (11/76)4%
    No liver abnormalities45% (19/42)0% (0/34)25% (19/76)
Cardiac disease, 51 relatives evaluated
    PS/PPS41%(21/51)82% (28/34)58% (49/85)67%
    Structural defect31% (16/51)47% (16/34)38% (32/85)24%18%*
    Murmur only29% (15/51)9% (3/34)21% (18/85)21%
    No cardiac anomalies25% (13/51)0% (0/34)15% (13/85)2%6%*
Eye findings, 31 relatives evaluated
    Eye findings71% (22/31)75% (21/28)73% (43/59)78%84%*
Vertebral anomalies, 19 relatives evaluated
    Butterfly vertebrae26% (5/19)64% (18/28)49% (23/47)51%79%*
Facial features, 46 relatives evaluated
    Facies91% (42/46)97% (31/32)94% (73/78)96%97%*