Table 1

Characteristics of 11 patients with type I CD36 deficiency

PatientsAgeGenderDiagnosisCD36 gene mutation
IHD, ischaemic heart disease; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; HT, hypertension; LVH, left ventricular hypertension; AR, aortic regurgitation; DM, diabetes mellitus; CHF, congestive heart failure; OMI, old myocardial infarction.
1SI.260FIHD (post CABG)Homozygous 1159A insertion
2SII.130FHTHeterozygous 1159A insertion + heterozygous 478T
3SII.235MHT, LVHHeterozygous 1159A insertion + heterozygous 478T
4FK57MDilated HCM, DM, HTHomozygous 970C
5IK78FHTHeterozygous 1447C + 478T
6TT59MHCM, HTHomozygous 478T
7AT87MAR, CHFHomozygous 478T
8SY74MIHDHomozygous 478T
9KT70MOMI, CHFHomozygous 478T
10KS62FIHD, LVHHomozygous 478T
11MS74MCHF, lymphomaHomozygous 478T