Table 5

Means (SDs) of cognitive variables before and on two occasions after receiving test results

Before: t1 After: t2 After: t3 Within group analyses
Perceived chancePositiven=953.2  (10.1)78.9  (25.2)5-150 72.2  (36.3)5-151 Friedman χ2=7.5, p=0.024
Negativen=1246.3 (13.0)2.6 (3.9)5-150 16.2 (22.5)5-151 Friedman χ2=19.6, p=0.000
Confidence about estimatePositiven=94.3 (1.6)5.2 (1.1)5.2 (1.1)Friedman χ2=6.5, p=0.038
Negativen=104.5 (1.1)5.7 (0.5)5.7 (0.7)Friedman χ2=11.5, p=0.003
Worry about chancePositiven=103.6 (1.4)3.4 (1.8)5-152 2.1 (1.5)5-153 Friedman χ2=7.9, p=0.019
Negativen=123.5 (1.6)0.5 (1.0)5-152 0.1 (0.3)5-153 Friedman χ2=15.8, p=0.000
Perceived seriousnessPositiven=105.2 (1.2)4.6 (1.5)4.5 (1.5)
Negativen=125.0 (1.5)5.2 (1.1)4.6 (1.6)
Threat of test resultPositiven=927.2 (8.6)5-154 29.3 (5.9)5-160
Negativen=1114.5 (5.7)5-154 11.9 (3.3)5-160
  • Between group analyses

  • 5-150 M-W U = 0, p=0.000.

  • 5-151 M-W U = 10, p=0.001.

  • 5-152 M-W U =11.5, p=0.001.

  • 5-153 M-W U = 13.5, p=0.001.

  • 5-154 M-W U = 7.5, p=0.001.

  • 5-160 M-W U = 66.0, p=0.000.