Table 3

Frequencies of genetic polymorphisms in the EPHX gene in control poulations

Study Kind of controls Race Exon 3 (Tyr113 Tyr113;
Tyr113 His113; His113 His113)
Exon 4 (His139 His139;
His139 Arg139; Arg139 Arg139)
Hassettet al 12 Population based controlsWhite36; 56; 858; 37; 5
McGlynnet al 18 Population based controlsChinese26; 40; 34
African69; 22; 8
Lancester et al 15 Females without cancerWhite41; 44; 15
Wanget al 14 Females without spontaneous abortionChinese27; 31; 4278; 22; 1
Smith and Harrison19 Population based controlsWhite45; 49; 672; 26; 2
Benhamou et al 20 Males/females without cancerWhite37; 45; 1870; 29; 1
Salama et al 8 Population based controls?40; 48; 12
Present studyHealthy females with uncomplicated obstetric historyWhite16; 40; 4464; 33; 2
  • Values are given in percentages.

  • EPHX, epoxide hydrolase; Tyr, tyrosine; His, histidine; Arg, arginine.