Table 1

Occurrence of SRS features. Categorisation is based on multiple published reports of SRS features, on the general emphasis stated in these reports for inclusion criteria in SRS studies, and on our own observations

Diagnostic characteristics (generally observed) Confirmatory characteristics (frequently observed) Miscellaneous characteristics (rarely observed in single cases)
GrowthSmall for gestational ageDelayed bone ageDelayed fontanelle closure
Short stature postnatally >−2 SD
Craniofacial appearanceTriangular faceLow set ears/ear anomaliesAnteverted nares
Frontal bossingIrregular teethBlue sclerae
MicrognathiaHigh arched/cleft palateEpicanthic folds
Downturned mouthCongenital ptosis
Craniofacial disproportionEyebrows meeting in midline
Relative macrocephaly
Limbs & bodyClinodactyly of fifth digitsSyndactyly of toes II/IIICafé au lait spots
Brachydactyly of fifth digitsMuscular hypotrophy/toniaShort neck
Asymmetry of limbsHypospadiasSimian crease
Hemihypertrophy trunk/limbsCryptorchidismCalcaneovalgus deformities
Scoliosis-lordosisAmbigious genitalia
Absent sacrumSecond metacarpal pseudoepiphysis
Absent coccyxHepatomegaly
Vertebral abnormalitiesSplenomegaly
Development & behaviourDelayed psychomotor developmentRaised urinary gonadotrophins
High pitched/squeaky voicePrecocious puberty
Excessive sweating
Feeding difficulties