Table 3

Outcome variables and predictor variables in studies predicting psychological well being

Study Predictor variables Outcome variables
Tibbenet al 17 Intrusion (IES), avoidance (IES), hopelessness (BHS), psychopathological states (GHQ), social support (SSQ)Intrusion (IES), avoidance (IES), hopelessness (BHS)
Decruyenaere et al 8 General anxiety (STAI trait), situational anxiety (STAI state), depression (BDI), ego strength (MMPI), coping styles (UCL)General anxiety (STAI trait), situational anxiety (STAI state), depression (BDI), ego strength (MMPI)
Codoriet al 7 Genetic status, gender, marital status, parenting status, risk perception, estimated years to onset of HD in those testing positiveHopelessness (BHS), depression (BDI)
Lawson et al 13 Global Severity Index (SCL-90), depression (BDI), social support (SSQ), adverse events questionnaireAdverse events3-150
DudokdeWit et al 10 Intrusion (IES), avoidance (IES), anxiety (HADS), depression (HADS), psychological problems (SCL-90), hopelessness (BHS), loneliness (loneliness scale), social support (SSQ), family functioning (FACES), gender, age, religion, marital status, parenting statusIntrusion (IES), avoidance (IES)
  • 3-150 A suicide attempt or the formulation of a suicide plan, psychiatric hospitalisation, depression lasting longer than two months, a marked increase in substance abuse, the breakdown of important relationships, increases on BDI and or GSI (SCL-90).

  • For abbreviations see table 2.