Table 4

Genes involved in HSCR in humans and known mouse models of megacolon

Map locationMode of inheritancePhenotype in mutantsFrequence of mutation in heterozygotesRefsNatural mutantKnock-outRefs
RET 10q11.2ADHSCR50% familial cases119L 108
15% sporadic casesRenal agenesis
GDNF 5p13ADHSCR5 cases31, 142, 143L 132–134
Renal agenesis
NTN 19p13ADHSCR1 case144
SOX10 22q13ADWS457, 59, 165 Dom(AD)L 164
Coat spotting
EDNRB 13q22AR/ADWS4/HSCR5%53, 157–160 sl (AR)S 154
Coat spotting
EDN3 20q13AR/ADWS4/HSCR<5%156 ls(AR)S 155
Coat spotting
ECE1 1p36ADHSCR1 case162S 161
CF and cardiac defectCoat spotting
CF defects
SIP1 2q22SpoHSCR, MR, facial dysmorphism6 cases38, 39, 41
  • AD: autosomal dominant, AR: autosomal recessive, Spo: sporadic,sl: Piebald lethal, ls: lethal spotting, S: short segment megacolon, L: long segment megacolon, CF: craniofacial, MR: mental retardation.