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Prenatal detection of fetal aneuploidies using transcervical cell samples.
  1. J Sherlock,
  2. A Halder,
  3. B Tutschek,
  4. J Delhanty,
  5. C Rodeck,
  6. M Adinolfi
  1. Department of Genetics and Biometry, Galton Laboratory, University College London, UK.


    In the course of an investigation aimed at detecting the presence of trophoblastic cells in the endocervical canal of pregnant women between 7 and 17 weeks of gestation, several cases of aneuploidies were observed using a fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) assay. The cases include fetal chromosome 21 and 18 trisomies, triploidy and sex chromosome aneuploidies. The results were confirmed by testing placental tissues obtained after termination of pregnancy (TOP). In two of these cases, clumps of cells with the morphology of trophoblasts were isolated from the transcervical cell (TCC) samples using micromanipulation. FISH and fluorescent polymerase chain reactions (PCR), performed on these clumps, showed them to be exclusively of fetal origin. These results show that prenatal diagnoses of major aneuploidies can be performed by FISH using whole TCC samples, or on isolated clumps of cells by FISH and PCR assays.

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