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An unbalanced (6q;13q) translocation in a male with clinical features of Ehlers-Danlos type II syndrome.
  1. P R Scarbrough,
  2. J Daw,
  3. A J Carroll,
  4. S C Finley


    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome has been divided into several different types according to the variety and severity of clinical manifestations, and may follow autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X linked patterns of inheritance. Only rarely have chromosome anomalies been seen in patients manifesting phenotypic features of the syndrome and most are considered insignificant. However, one case report involved a balanced t(9;17)(q34;q11) in a female with the clinical features of Ehlers-Danlos type I and IV syndromes and, as noted by McKusick: "It is possible, furthermore, that certain very rare syndromes that are transmitted in a Mendelian manner are the result of small chromosome aberrations, such as deletion or inversion, affecting the action of several genes". We present a 14 year old male with features of Ehlers-Danlos type II syndrome and an unbalanced (6q;13q) translocation.

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