Article Text
Background Classic aniridia is a highly penetrant autosomal dominant disorder characterised by congenital absence of the iris, foveal hypoplasia, optic disc anomalies and progressive opacification of the cornea. >90% of cases of classic aniridia are caused by heterozygous, loss-of-function variants affecting the PAX6 locus.
Methods Short-read whole genome sequencing was performed on 51 (39 affected) individuals from 37 different families who had screened negative for mutations in the PAX6 coding region.
Results Likely causative mutations were identified in 22 out of 37 (59%) families. In 19 out of 22 families, the causative genomic changes have an interpretable deleterious impact on the PAX6 locus. Of these 19 families, 1 has a novel heterozygous PAX6 frameshift variant missed on previous screens, 4 have single nucleotide variants (SNVs) (one novel) affecting essential splice sites of PAX6 5′ non-coding exons and 2 have deep intronic SNV (one novel) resulting in gain of a donor splice site. In 12 out of 19, the causative variants are large-scale structural variants; 5 have partial or whole gene deletions of PAX6, 3 have deletions encompassing critical PAX6 cis-regulatory elements, 2 have balanced inversions with disruptive breakpoints within the PAX6 locus and 2 have complex rearrangements disrupting PAX6. The remaining 3 of 22 families have deletions encompassing FOXC1 (a known cause of atypical aniridia). Seven of the causative variants occurred de novo and one cosegregated with familial aniridia. We were unable to establish inheritance status in the remaining probands. No plausibly causative SNVs were identified in PAX6 cis-regulatory elements.
Conclusion Whole genome sequencing proves to be an effective diagnostic test in most individuals with previously unexplained aniridia.
- Eye Diseases
- Genetic Testing
- Mutation
Data availability statement
Data are available upon reasonable request. WGS sequence data have been deposited at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA), which is hosted by the EBI and the CRG, under accession number EGAS00001006878. This was deposited in July 2023 and will soon be available publicly. GitHub links and publications for the various components are provided within the Methods section. Further codes are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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Aniridia is a strikingly specific phenotype, carrying a 90%–95% positive predictive value for PAX6 haploinsufficiency.
This is the first dedicated whole genome sequencing (WGS) study of a classical aniridia cohort, highlighting the diagnostic power of WGS even in well-characterised Mendelian disorders.
It offers particular advantages in detecting deep intronic variants, cis-regulatory, and balanced or complex structural variants.
This study suggests that short-read WGS merits consideration as a primary investigation for classic aniridia.
Historically the molecular genetic investigation of Mendelian disorders has focused on sequencing of the coding regions of causative genes often in combination with genomic copy number analysis. Depending on the phenotypic specificity of the disease under investigation, these tests could involve sequencing of a single gene, a panel of genes or whole exome analysis. One of the motivations for restricting diagnostic analysis to the coding regions of genes has been the availability of well-characterised and validated approaches to predict the consequence of each variant and to assign a confidence to its pathogenicity.1 2
The wider adoption of whole genome sequencing (WGS) as a diagnostic tool,3 together with the guidelines that aim to standardise the interpretation of variants outside the coding regions of genes, provides an opportunity to increase the utility of diagnostic genetic analyses.4 Here we have used short-read WGS to try to identify causative variants in individuals with aniridia in whom no diagnosis was found by prior molecular genetic testing approaches. Classic aniridia has major advantages in such a study as a Mendelian disease in which the phenotype in early childhood (congenital absence of the iris with foveal hypoplasia) has a high (~0.9) positive predictive value for detecting a heterozygous loss-of-function mutation at a single locus (PAX6).5
PAX6 encodes a dosage critical transcription factor that is essential for vertebrate eye and brain development,6 and many cis-regulatory elements (CRE) controlling its expression during development have been functionally characterised.7 8 Diagnostic analysis of this locus has been in routine clinical use now for 30 years, providing a very large data set of causative variants and established disease mechanisms.5
As this study will show, WGS is able, with reasonable sensitivity, to identify causative variants in individuals with a clinical diagnosis of aniridia who have previously, often repeatedly, tested negative for mutations in the coding region of PAX6.
Clinical research participants
This project used clinical information and biological samples from individuals referred to the Medical Research Council (MRC) Human Genetics Unit Eye Malformations Study. All affected individuals had classical aniridia; those with significant additional ocular phenotypes were excluded, such as severe microphthalmia or severe congenital corneal opacification. Pseudonymised research participant identifiers (RPIDs), relevant clinical features and molecular analyses performed prior to this study are provided in table 1.
Preparation of genomic DNA and quality control
The quality and concentration of patient genomic DNA (gDNA) samples were assessed by agarose gel electrophoresis, NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometry (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inchinnan, UK), and/orQubit 3 fluorometer high sensitivity (HS) assay (Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific). In the case of one family trio, the DNA for the parents was extracted from patient-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). All probands had had prior Sanger sequencing of the coding regions of PAX6 and MAB21L1.
Whole genome sequencing
WGS was performed by BGI (New Territories, Hong Kong) for 9 samples and Edinburgh Genomics (Edinburgh, UK) for the remaining 42 samples.
Detailed methods for massively parallel sequencing library preparation are found in online supplemental information. In brief, gDNA was sheared using a Covaris ultrasonicator, and the fragments were A-tailed, size selected and adaptor ligated prior to PCR amplification. Libraries were clustered onto a flow cell for sequencing using HiSeqX (Illumina).
Supplemental material
WGS mapping, alignment, quality control and single nucleotide variant/INDEL variant calling
WGS samples were processed with Bcbio V.0.9.7, which uses BWA V.0.7.139 to align reads to the human reference genome assembly hg38, samblaster V.0.1.2210 to mark duplicates, and GATK V.3.4.011 to realign small insertions and deletions (INDELs) and recalibrate base quality scores. Families and singletons were genotyped following GATK best practices12 using V. of the toolkit. HaplotypeCaller was used to generate GVCFs, which were imported into a database via GenomicsDBImport and genotyped with GenotypeGVCFs. Variant quality score recalibration was carried out with GATK VariantRecalibrator and ApplyVQSR separately for single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and INDELs. Low-quality (GQ <20) genotypes were filtered.
Structural variant calling
IGV visualisation
Direct inspection of the aligned WGS data was performed to detect structural variant (SV) at known aniridia loci, using IGV (Integrative Genomics Viewer, Broad Institute, Massachusetts, USA),13 via visualisation of breakpoints and coverage. The gene and regulatory regions of PAX6 were examined in all cases. Where PAX6 was negative, FOXC1 and PITX2 were included with their regulatory regions, and MAB21L1; in some cases, this was expanded to additional loci (FOXE3, RARB, ADAMTSL1, CYP1B1); for a list of coordinates, see online supplemental table S1. In IGV, reads were coloured both by insert size (to detect breakpoints of deletions/insertions) and by pair orientation (to detect breakpoints of chromosomal rearrangements such as inversions).
De novo analysis
For parent–child trios, short variants arising de novo in the child were identified using VASE18 with the following criteria: read depth ≥10 in parents and the child, genotype quality score ≥30 in the child and ≥20 in both parents, variant allele frequency ≥0.3 in the child and <0.05 in both parents, with a maximum of one variant allele called at site and variant allele absent from gnomAD V.3.0. Potential de novo variants were subsequently filtered to exclude low complexity, telomeric and centromeric regions, and to select only variants within coding regions, splice regions (exonic positions within 3 bp of an intron/exon junction or intronic positions within 8 bp of an intron/exon junction) or intronic variants with a SpliceAI19 delta score ≥0.5.
Variant filtering
From all the variants identified in an individual, we selected only those that are rare, predicted to be functional and potentially relevant to eye disorders by using the G2P plugin20 21 in VEP (V.90.1 (16)) and the Eye Gene Panel (; accessed 29 August 2018). In short, we extracted only variants satisfying the inheritance requirements of the genes in the Eye Gene Panel, with minor allele frequency (MAF) in public databases <0.0001 for monoallelic and X-linked genes and MAF <0.005 for biallelic genes and annotated by VEP to have one of the following consequences: stop gained, stop lost, start lost, frameshift variant, inframe insertion/deletion, missense variant, coding sequence variant, initiator codon variant, transcript ablation, transcript amplification, protein altering variant, splice donor/acceptor variant (ie, canonical splice site) or splice region variant (ie, either within 1–3 bases of the exon or 3–8 bases of the intron).
Detection of intronic splice variants
Variants within the PAX6 locus (chr11:31784779-31817961; GRCh38) were annotated with SpliceAI delta scores using SpliceAI V.1.319 using transcript coordinates from the ‘GENCODE basic’ transcript set from Ensembl V.95.
Cis-regulatory variant analysis
The GRCh38 coordinates of 35 different CREs chosen for analysis are given in online supplemental table S4. A BED file was created from this table and BEDTools22 was then used to extract the PAX6 CRE variants from the cohort VCF file. Subsequent filtering used the gnomAD23 allele frequency data in the VCF file.
Variant nomenclature (Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS)) was checked using Alamut software (Sophia Genetics) and VariantValidator.24 Variant numbering is according reference sequences NC_000011.10 (GRCh38), NM_000280.4 (-5a, 13 exons) and NP_000271.1 (422 amino acids).
Experimental analysis of splice variants
RT-PCR and nested PCR of LCL-derived RNA
Patient-derived LCLs were recovered from liquid nitrogen storage. The cells were grown in suspension in Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) media containing 15% fetal calf serum (FCS) and penicillin/streptomycin, and incubated at 37°C/5% CO2. RNA was extracted from LCLs following the principles of the phenol-chloroform method25 using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) following the manufacturer’s instructions. DNase treatment was performed using TURBO DNase kit (Invitrogen). cDNA was obtained from total RNA using the SuperScript First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR kit (Invitrogen). A nested PCR across the PAX6 locus was performed using four overlapping RT-PCR primer pairs spanning exons 1–5, exons 3–8, exons 7–12 and exons 9–13 (online supplemental table S2). The products were run on a 2% low melting point agarose gel with ethidium bromide. Bands of interest were excised and a gel DNA extraction was performed (Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit, Zymo Research, Freiburg im Breisgau) and sent for Sanger sequencing to look for mis-splicing.
Assembling the cohort
DNA samples were available for 443 individuals with aniridia from 347 families recruited to the MRC Human Genetics Unit Eye Malformation Study. Forty-five families considered to be ‘PAX6-negative’ on previous screening were considered for inclusion in the WGS analysis. Of the 45 families, 3 were excluded on the basis of quality or quantity of the stored DNA and 4 were excluded following identification of various gene-disruptive variants via amplicon-based resequencing of all PAX6 coding exons in all probands. Another family, RPID 1201, was excluded when a deletion of a critical cis-regulatory region 3′ of the PAX6 gene (online supplemental figure S1) was found using droplet digital PCR across the PAX6 locus following prescreening of 13 randomly chosen unrelated probands for CNVs.
Supplemental material
DNA samples from a final cohort of 39 affected individuals from 37 families together with 12 unaffected relatives were sent for WGS. The family structures comprised 29 singleton probands, 6 trios (proband plus both unaffected parents) and 2 affected relative pairs (online supplemental figure S2). The proband phenotypes and molecular analyses of PAX6 locus performed prior to this study (including the results from the referring centre) are detailed in table 1.
The following analyses of WGS data to identify sequence variants and SVs were performed in parallel.
Identification of sequence variants in the PAX6 transcriptional unit and regulatory region from WGS
WGS VCF files for all 51 individuals were filtered with the VEP-G2P plugin21 using the EyeG2P20 data set to detect high-impact and moderate-impact changes within genes known to cause genetic eye disease. Likely pathogenic PAX6 sequence variants identified, described in the following, are listed in table 2 along with the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) pathogenicity classifications.1 2
This revealed one proband (RPID 2134) with a novel frameshift variant (NM_000280.4 PAX6: c.842_843insGT) affecting a coding exon of PAX6 constituting the sole ‘false negative’ for the prior screening of the PAX6 coding region (WGS data viewed in IGV in online supplemental figure S3). This case had been screened many years previously using denaturing HPLC analysis. Although this was one of the ‘trios’, the ‘paternal’ sample was erroneously a duplicate of the maternal sample (short tandem repeat profiling in online supplemental table S3). We were thus unable to confirm whether the variant detected was de novo.
Essential splice site variants
Four families (three singletons, one trio) have heterozygous essential splice site (ESS) variants flanking exon 3, part of the PAX6 5′UTR. In RPID 877 and RPID 1019, both variants affect the 5′ base of intron 3 (IVS3+1, or c.-52+1), G>C and G>T, respectively (online supplemental figure S4A). Only the latter variant has been reported previously.26 A different variant at the same position (c.-52+1G>A) has been previously reported as resulting in skipping of exons 3, 4, 5 and 5a27; exon 4 contains the translation start site. RPID 1500 and RPID 5645 have identical and previously reported ESS variants (NM_000280.4 (PAX6): c.-128-2del (IVS2-2)).28–30 This variant occurred de novo in RPID 5645 (online supplemental figure S4B). The predicted effects of these sequence variants on splicing using the predictors in Alamut and SpliceAI are detailed in online supplemental table S4. Nested RT-PCR was performed on LCL-derived cDNA from RPID 1500 and showed evidence of abnormal splicing between exons 1 and 5 (figure 1B(i)).
Deep intronic variants affecting splicing
In RPID 3612, a variant was detected in intron 6 (NM_000280.4(PAX6):c.357+334G>A) (online supplemental figure S5A). SpliceAI, SSF, MaxEnt and NNSPLICE all predict this to result in a donor gain (online supplemental table S4). One previous occurrence of this variant has been reported in aniridia.29 In RPID 1635, a novel de novo variant within intron 8 (NM_000280.4(PAX6):c.682+68C>G) was identified (online supplemental figure S5B). SpliceAI, SSF, MaxEnt and NNSPLICE predict a donor gain consequence (online supplemental table S4). Nested RT-PCR was performed on LCL-derived cDNA from RPID 1635 and showed abnormal-sized bands using the primers spanning both exons 3–8 and 7–12. Sequencing the exons 3–8 product revealed unexpected skipping of exon 5 and part of exon 6. The exons 7–12 product-derived sequence showed skipping of exons 9, 10 and 11 (figure 1).
Variants in PAX6 CREs
To identify causative CRE mutations at the PAX6 locus, we first created a BED file listing the GRCh38 genome coordinates of 35 previously characterised CREs31 32 (online supplemental table S5). Intersecting this BED file with the annotated cohort VCF file identified 39 variants that passed quality filters and were present in at least 1 out of 52 sequenced individuals (online supplemental table S6). Of 35 CREs examined, 24 encompassed one or more variant (online supplemental table S5). Of 39 variants, 20 had allele count within the study population of nine or greater. Of the remaining 19 variants, 15 had allele counts of one. Of 39 variants, 38 were present in gnomAD (online supplemental table S6), and the variant absent from gnomAD was a non-transmitted allele from an unaffected father in a trio.23 No de novo CRE SNVs or INDELs were identified. It thus seems very unlikely that any of the CRE variants are of clinical significance for aniridia.
Categorisation of de novo variants in genes other than PAX6
The only individual with de novo SNVs or INDELs outwith PAX6 and with no causative SVs (described in the next section) was RPID 2469, who had five such variants (online supplemental table S7). This was the aforementioned trio for which the parents' DNA was extracted from LCLs. Only the variant in the gene encoding adenosylhomocysteinase 3 (AHCYL2: p.(Leu352Met)) merited further consideration. This variant (NM_015328.4(AHCYL2):c.1054C>A) is not present in gnomAD, and has CADD and REVEL scores of 24.3 and 0.73, respectively. There is no known Mendelian disease–gene link for AHCYL2 and no claim can be made on the clinical significance of this variant.
Identification of large-scale SVs from WGS
A combination of direct inspection of candidate loci using the IGV33 and genome-wide bioinformatic tools (Canvas34 and Manta16) was used to identify SVs from the available WGS data. A total of 17 different ultra-rare heterozygous SVs affecting PAX6 and FOXC1 were detected in 15 families (table 3 for genomic coordinates).
When compared with direct visual inspection, Canvas detected all deletions >10 kb at the PAX6 and FOXC1 loci (online supplemental figure S6) but not the two smallest PAX6 deletions (126 bp, RPID 75, and 1.36 kb, RPID 1524). Canvas also called the PAX6 deletion-duplication in RPID 1271 but was unable to detect the inversions in RPID 535 and RPID 774 as it uses read depth only. Manta detected all likely causative SVs but together with many false positive calls, so in practice these were identified solely by direct visualisation of the breakpoint regions using IGV.
Whole or partial deletions of PAX6
Five individuals or families were found to have simple heterozygous deletions involving the PAX6 transcription unit (figure 2, online supplemental figure S7): a whole gene deletion of 191 kb (RPID 724) and four partial deletions of 19 kb (RPID 1496), 1.4 kb (individual 1524), 0.13 kb (RPID 75) and 41 kb (RPID 2464). Each of these variants is expected to result in PAX6 haploinsufficiency. The variant detected in individual 1524 was subsequently found to have been identified independently by others.35
Deletions encompassing PAX6 cis-regulatory domains
RPID 1191, RPID 1361 and RPID 1647 were identified with likely causative deletions encompassing well-characterised CREs that control the developmental expression of PAX6 (figure 2, online supplemental figures S8 and S9).
Balanced structural rearrangements disrupting PAX6
Two inversions of chromosome 11 were detected with breakpoints within or very close to PAX6 (figure 2, online supplemental figures S9 and S10). The PAX6 gene is directly disrupted in RPID 535, while in RPID 774 the breakpoint is between PAX6 and the critical CREs SIMO and HS5.
Complex structural rearrangements disrupting PAX6
RPID 356 was found to carry a de novo 6 kb heterozygous inversion with breakpoints at start of PAX6 in intron 4, with an adjacent 30 kb region of PAX6 deleted. In proband 1271, a 16 kb deletion encompassing the final six exons of PAX6 was associated with a 13 kb tandem duplication immediately 3′ of PAX6 (figure 3; also figure 2 and online supplemental figures S9 and S11).
Deletions encompassing FOXC1
Three heterozygous chromosome 6p deletions encompassing FOXC1 were identified in three probands: RPID 1142, RPID 1451 and RPID 1732 (table 3, online supplemental figure S12). These ranged from 33 kb to 83 kb in size. All three probands had aniridia; two out of three had glaucoma (one confirmed as congenital) and two out of three had congenital aortic or aortic valve anomalies (table 1). The combination of aniridia with congenital glaucoma and aortic valvular disease would be consistent with previously reported FOXC1 deletions.36
Breakpoint identification in a coincidental de novo reciprocal translocation t(1,9)
RPID 356 has a de novo reciprocal translocation t(1,9)(p36.1; q22), which was detected by routine cytogenetic analysis following the clinical diagnosis of aniridia. Given that no PAX6 coding region mutation was identified on initial screening, the family was referred to our study to determine whether the breakpoint of this translocation could identify a novel locus or mechanism causing aniridia. However, as shown above, this individual has a second SV which disrupts PAX6 and explains the phenotype. Using IGV, discrepant paired-end reads mapped a single breakpoint on chromosome 1 and two different breakpoints on chromosome 9, consistent with a paracentric inversion on chromosome 9 and a reciprocal translocation with chromosome 1 (online supplemental figure S13). No clinical impact is suspected for these three breakpoints.
In purely diagnostic terms, short-read WGS has significant advantages over short-read whole exome sequencing (WES). First, WGS allows reliable analysis of the whole transcription unit of each gene. This power is evidenced by our identification of previously cryptic causative variants in the 5′UTR and deep intronic regions of PAX6 in 6 out of 22 (27.3%) diagnosed cases. The 5′UTR ESS variants perturb PAX6 splicing; however, consequential changes to the length of the PAX6 upstream ORF37 and/or disruption of VAX2 binding38 may also have mechanistic significance. More notably, we detected two deep intronic variants and tested the functional consequence of the novel one, predicted to result in an intron 8 donor site gain, using cDNA from an LCL derived from the proband. We could demonstrate the expected exon skipping 3′ to this variant, but we also found aberrant splice events 5′ to this intron, suggesting a more complex effect on splicing. While WGS may have better coverage of 5′UTRs than WES, it is particularly the deep intronic regions where it has a unique advantage.
A second advantage of WGS is more uniform per base coverage when compared with WES. This significantly improves our ability to detect disease-associated balanced structural variants (bSV) and CNVs. Our initial CNV screen was performed via direct inspection of the coverage depth change and unexpected pairing of end sequencing in proband BAM files using IGV.33 This proved to be the most diagnostically rewarding analysis undertaken in this study, yielding 15 of the 22 new diagnoses. Of these 15, 13 were CNVs (10 at PAX6 locus and 3 encompassing FOXC1) and 2 were balanced SVs (bSVs) with PAX6-disruptive breakpoints, the latter not easily detectable by bioinformatic SV calling with Manta due to noise. The high CNV yield26 39 40 reflects both prescreening of the cohort for PAX6 coding variants and the historic nature of some samples in our cohort, as these anomalies would almost certainly be detected by modern high-resolution, array-based methods of copy number assessments now used in clinical diagnostic laboratories throughout the world. On the contrary, the two bSVs would be unlikely to be detected on standard clinical testing other than WGS. The identification of an apparently coincidental de novo balanced reciprocal translocation in RPID 356 is interesting but has been observed in other developmental disorders in which a second intragenic SV is subsequently determined to be causative.41
The third, and possibly most exciting, advantage of WGS in the diagnostic investigation of classic aniridia is the ability to identify causative cis-regulatory variants affecting the developmental expression of PAX6. CNVs and bSVs encompassing CREs of PAX6 but leaving the transcription unit intact have been recognised as resulting in functional haploinsufficiency for many years.42 43 Predicting the consequence of SNVs within CRE remains challenging, and currently only one de novo plausibly causative CRE SNV in classic aniridia has been reported.44 We did not identify any additional CRE SNVs in this study, although we did identify four SVs affecting only the PAX6 downstream regulatory region (three deletions and one bSV), leaving the gene itself intact. A similar PAX6 bSV is recently reported amongst a large, more diverse clinical diagnostic cohort45 .
On the basis of the work from others36 45 46 and ourselves,47 the identification of FOXC1 deletions is not surprising from a human genetics perspective. There is remarkably little information about developmental genetic interactions between these two genes, although it has been shown that FOXC1 is a downstream direct target of PAX6 in the developing iris and ciliary body.48
A fourth strength of WGS is that it permits a search for new candidate genes, and the mechanisms of inactivating known genes, in unexplained cases. We did not identify any likely causative variants at loci other than PAX6 or FOXC1. A study with a larger number of trios would have greater power to detect new candidate loci.
We consider that the data presented here provide evidence that short-read WGS merits consideration as a primary investigation for classic aniridia. It certainly should be considered in cases with a normal array-based assessment of genome-wide copy number and PAX6 coding region sequencing. We are mindful that WGS analysis is not currently capable of explaining all cases of aniridia, and there remain 15 out of 37 families in this study in whom we have still not identified a causative variant. One useful emerging diagnostic technology is long-read nanopore-based genome sequencing. This may be particularly useful in identifying bSV missed by the short-read technologies.49–51
Data availability statement
Data are available upon reasonable request. WGS sequence data have been deposited at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA), which is hosted by the EBI and the CRG, under accession number EGAS00001006878. This was deposited in July 2023 and will soon be available publicly. GitHub links and publications for the various components are provided within the Methods section. Further codes are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics statements
Patient consent for publication
Ethics approval
This study involves human participants. This research participant cohort was collected and maintained using consent processes and the experimental protocols were approved by the Scotland A UK Multicentre Research Ethics Committee (references 06/MRE00/76 and 16/SS/0201). Participants gave informed consent to participate in the study before taking part.
We thank the patients, their families and the clinicians/scientists who submitted research samples to the MRC Human Genetics Unit Eye Malformation Study. These include Professor Jurgen Kohlhase, Dr Eduardo Silva, Professor Birgit Lorenz, Mr Ken Nischal, Professor Alain Veroles, Professor Lawrence Hirst, Dr Stavit Shalev, Dr Peter Turnpenny, Professor Anthony Moore, Dr Debbie Shears, Dr Katherine Bushby, Dr Ian Young, Dr Eamonn Maher, Dr William Reardon, Dr Gyorgy Fekete, Dr Sebastiana Bianca, Dr Matt Hawker, Dr Fiona Stewart, Mr David Taylor, Miss Isabelle Russell-Eggitt, Dr Miranda Splitt, Dr Victoria Murday, Dr John Tolmie, Dr Sahar Mansour and the late Dr Robin Winter. Thanks to Angela Sandilands for managing the research database over many years. Thanks to Dr Seyan Yazar, Dr Graeme Grimes, Dr Andrea Robertson and Dr Morad Ansari for their help. Thanks to the MRC Institute of Genetics and Cancer Core sequencing services, in particular Stephen Brown.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary Data
This web only file has been produced by the BMJ Publishing Group from an electronic file supplied by the author(s) and has not been edited for content.
Twitter @nikkihallvg
Contributors HNH and DRF conceived and planned the study. Molecular analyses were performed by HNH, KW and JJ. Analyses of WGS data were performed by HNH, DP, MH, AM, KD, JCP and DRF. SB provided CRE data and advice. SH, TEP, EPK, JB, KL and PB and others reviewed the manuscript and contributed key samples to the HGU Eye Malformations database, which was developed by VvH, KW and DRF. The manuscript was written by HNH and DRF with contributions from the coauthors. HNH is responsible for the overall content and acts as guarantor.
Funding HNH was funded by a Wellcome ECAT PhD studentship (205171/Z/16/Z). DRF’s research programme and MH, KW, SB, JJ, DP and AM’s posts are or were funded by an MRC University Unit award to the MRC Human Genetics Unit, The University of Edinburgh. SB was supported by an MRC University Unit grant (MC_UU_00007/2). KD and JCP were funded by the Scottish Genomes Partnership: Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates (SGP/1) and the Medical Research Council Whole Genome Sequencing for Health and Wealth Initiative (MC/PC/15080).
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.