Article Text
Cancer genetics
Germline RRAS2 mutations are not associated with Noonan syndrome
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Contributors Design of the study: MZ, MLL, and ES. Sample procurement and sequencing: JJC, AY, EE, and CL. Data analysis and interpretation: JJC and ES. Drafting of the manuscript: MLL, ES. Critical review and approval of the manuscript: all authors.
Funding German Research Foundation DFG ZE 524/10-1 (CL, MZ); Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 6059-09 (MLL); St. Baldrick's Foundation (ES).
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Magdeburg, Germany.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement Primer information and chromatogram tracings are available upon request.