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E Tsangaris, R Klaassen, C V Fernandez, R Yanofsky, E Shereck, J Champagne, M Silva, J H Lipton, J Brossard, B Michon, S Abish, M Steele, K Ali, N Dower, U Athale, L Jardine,J P Hand,I Odame, P Canning, C Allen,

M Carcao, J Beyene, C M Roifman, Y Dror. Genetic analysis of inherited bone marrow failure syndromes from one prospective, comprehensive and population-based cohort and identification of novel mutations J Med Genet. 2011;48:618-28 Published Online First: 9 June 2011 doi:10.1136/jmg.2011.089821

In the above paper we regret that there are a number of errors. Some of the errors are related to failure to update the nomenclature used in the mutation reports that were available to the registry; others are related to software conversion, which we have unfortunately not noticed …

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