Original article: Genotypic and phenotypic analysis of 396 individuals with mutations in Sonic Hedgehog
(11 July, 2012)
Benjamin D Solomon, Kelly A Bear, Adrian Wyllie, Amelia A Keaton, Christele Dubourg, Veronique David, Sandra Mercier, Sylvie Odent, Ute Hehr, Aimee Paulussen, Nancy J Clegg, Mauricio R Delgado, Sherri J Bale, Felicitas Lacbawan, Holly H Ardinger, Arthur S Aylsworth, Ntombenhle Louisa Bhengu, Stephen Braddock, Karen Brookhyser, Barbara Burton, Harald Gaspar, Art Grix, Dafne Horovitz, Erin Kanetzke, Hulya Kayserili, Dorit Lev, Sarah M Nikkel, Mary Norton, Richard Roberts, Howard Saal, G B Schaefer, Adele Schneider, Erika K Smith, Ellen Sowry, M Anne Spence, Stavit A Shalev, Carlos E Steiner, Elizabeth M Thompson, Thomas L Winder, Joan Z Balog, Donald W Hadley, Nan Zhou, Daniel E Pineda-Alvarez, Erich Roessler, Maximilian Muenke