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Original article
Multicolour FISH and quantitative PCR can detect submicroscopic deletions in holoprosencephaly patients with a normal karyotype
- Correspondence to: Dr M Muenke Medical Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, 35 Convent Drive, MSC 3717, Building 35, Room 1B-203, Bethesda, MD 20892-3717, US; mmuenke{at}
Multicolour FISH and quantitative PCR can detect submicroscopic deletions in holoprosencephaly patients with a normal karyotype
Publication history
- Received July 20, 2005
- Accepted September 20, 2005
- Revised September 19, 2005
- First published September 30, 2005.
Online issue publication
April 27, 2016
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Copyright 2006 Journal of Medical Genetics