Table of contents
June 1967 - Volume 4 - 2
Research Article
- Hydronephrosis in mouse, rat, and man. (1 June, 1967)
- Hypoplastic left heart complex. (1 June, 1967)
- Chromosomes of human endometrium. (1 June, 1967)
- Blood groups and leprosy. (1 June, 1967)
- Leprosy and ABO blood groups. (1 June, 1967)
- Ovarian dysgerminoma in three generations? (1 June, 1967)
- A familial variant chromosome in the 13-15 group. (1 June, 1967)
- Ring chromosome 18 in a patient with multiple anomalies. (1 June, 1967)
- A patient with 45XO-48XYYY mosaicism. (1 June, 1967)
- Trisomy D1 (13-15) associated with XO-XY mosaicism. (1 June, 1967)
Book Review
- Progress in Medical Genetics, Vol. IV (1 June, 1967)
- The Genetics of Gastro-intestinal Disorders (1 June, 1967)
- Handbuch der Haut-und Geschlechtskrankheiten (1 June, 1967)
- Genetics of Interracial Crosses in Hawaii (1 June, 1967)
- Current Studies in Hemophilia (1 June, 1967)
- Advances in Blood Gouping II (1 June, 1967)
- Die Chromosomenstruktur des Menschen in Mitosis und Meiosis (1 June, 1967)
- The Role of Chromosomes in Development (1 June, 1967)
- The Chromosomes of the Algae (1 June, 1967)
- Malignant Transformation by Viruses (1 June, 1967)
- Heritage from Mendel (1 June, 1967)