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Physical and psychomotor development of 1799 children born after second trimester amniocentesis for maternal serum positive triple test screening and normal prenatal karyotype
  1. I Witters,
  2. P Moerman,
  3. A Van Assche,
  4. J-P Fryns

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    In a previous retrospective study on the physical and psychomotor development of 868 children born after positive maternal serum triple test screening with normal prenatal karyotype, we found an increased incidence of complex multiple congenital anomalies syndromes (1.95%).1

    In the present retrospective study, we collected data on 1799 children born after a pregnancy with a positive maternal serum triple test screening and normal prenatal karyotype and also found in these children an increased incidence of complex multiple congenital anomalies syndromes (23, 1.28%), with a total incidence of major congenital anomalies of 37.3%.


    During the period from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 1999, 2378 women had amniotic fluid analysed for aneuploidy based on a positive maternal serum triple test (risk for trisomy 21> or = 1/250). In Belgium, triple test screening is …

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