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Breakpoint analysis of Turner patients with partial Xp deletions: implications for the lymphoedema gene location


BACKGROUND Turner syndrome is characterised by a 45,X karyotype and a variety of skeletal, lymphoedemic, and gonadal anomalies. Genes involved in the Turner phenotype are thought to be X/Y homologous with the X genes escaping X inactivation. Haploinsufficiency of the SHOXgene has been reported to cause the short stature seen in Turner syndrome patients. More recently, mutations of this gene have been shown to be associated with other skeletal abnormalities, suggesting that haploinsufficiency of SHOX causes all the Turner skeletal anomalies. No such gene has yet been identified for the lymphoedemic features.

METHODS Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) analysis with PAC clones on nine patients with partially deleted X chromosomes was performed.

RESULTS/DISCUSSION The Turner syndrome stigmata for each patient are described and correlation between the breakpoint and the phenotype discussed. A lymphoedema critical region in Xp11.4 is proposed and its gene content discussed with respect to that in the previously reported Yp11.2 lymphoedema critical region.

  • Turner syndrome
  • lymphoedema
  • Xp11.4

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