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Hair roots as the ideal source of mRNA for genetic testing
  1. Kathy King,
  2. Frances A Flinter,
  3. Peter M Green
  1. Division of Medical and Molecular Genetics, GKT School of Medicine, Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT, UK
  1. Dr Green,{at}

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Editor—Standard genetic tests usually involve obtaining a blood sample for DNA extraction. Other commonly used sources of DNA are buccal cells1 (from a cheek scraping) and hair roots,2 which are viable alternatives to a blood sample and less invasive to obtain, particularly useful in children. Some genetic tests require full mutation screening (at least of the affected subject in a family) and this can be greatly simplified, particularly for large, multiexon genes, by screening the mRNA as opposed to the DNA.3 The reason for this is simple; the mRNA contains all the relevant sequence in a compact “ready to screen” package rather than the many discrete packages (exons) found in DNA. In addition, mRNA is one step further down the gene-protein pathway and can yield more relevant information on the effect of a mutation (at least with regard to splicing). The problem with using RNA …

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