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Book review
Craniosynostosis. Diagnosis, evaluation and management.
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Craniosynostosis. Diagnosis, evaluation and management. 2nd edition. Editors M Michael Cohen Jr, Ruth E MacLean. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
In 1986, Dr Cohen published the first edition of this book on craniosynostosis. As correctly identified by Dr Gorlin in the foreword to that volume, it proved to be a “truly signal text”, so much so that, though inevitably dated by the passage of time, the first edition is still cited regularly as an essential reference in relation to craniosynostosis. In addition to providing a comprehensive approach to all aspects of diagnosis and management of craniosynostosis, the first edition reviewed the basis for clinical delineation between syndromes of craniosynostosis, bringing a degree of order to a somewhat chaotic body of publications. However, the passage of time, with the emergence of new clinical reports, …