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Letters to the editor
Silver-Russell syndrome and ring chromosome 7
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Editor—We read the recent paper by Miyoshiet al 1 with great interest. They report a child with Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) and maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7 (mUPD7), with 30% mosaicism for an additional ring chromosome 7 of paternal origin. As the ring contained four CA repeat polymorphic markers which map to the region 7p13-q11 (D7S2552, D7S499, D7S494, and D7S2503), they concluded that imprinted genes within this region can be ruled out as candidates for SRS. While the data are interesting, we feel that they are inadequate to support this conclusion.
Firstly, the genetic distance spanned by the four markers used to define the extent of biparental inheritance is small (2.26 cM between 64.81 and 67.07 cM). …